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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at JAMS

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at JAMS

JAMS Mediation, Arbitration and ADR Services

JAMS Diversity and Inclusion Arbitration Clause

JAMS Diversity and Inclusion Arbitration Clause

Custom ADR clauses ensure an efficient process and can provide better outcomes

Measure Your DEI Progress with the JAMS Panelist Utilization Report

Measure Your DEI Progress with the JAMS Panelist Utilization Report

JAMS clients can track and monitor their selection of diverse neutrals

JAMS Diversity Fellowship Program

JAMS Diversity Fellowship Program

A 12-month program is designed to provide training, mentorship, sponsorship, and networking opportunities to up-and-coming diverse ADR professionals.


We Embrace Diversity

The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means appreciating that each individual is unique, and recognizes that with those differences come different strengths. It is about understanding each other and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual. These can be along the dimensions of age, race, color, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, religious beliefs, or other ideologies.

The "business case for diversity" embraces the notion that in a global marketplace, a company should strive to employ a diverse workforce. At JAMS, we believe that diversity significantly enhances the quality of the services we provide our clients. We value and encourage diverse viewpoints and leverage them to guide our business.

Promoting Diversity in ADR

JAMS is also steadfast in pursuing increased diversity among ADR practitioners. We recognize the benefits of recruiting and retaining the most qualified ADR professionals inclusive of varied ethnicity, race, gender, religion and sexual orientation.

We encourage you to partner with us in a collective effort to bring more diversity to ADR. We invite law firms, corporations and legal organizations to:

Highlighting Diverse Voices at JAMS

Diversity at JAMS

JAMS strives for diversity across the dimensions articulated in our diversity statement above. We are particularly encouraged by the ethnic and gender diversity snapshot depicted in the following workforce demographics below. At JAMS, diversity starts with our senior management and is reflected throughout our entire workforce, which is comprised of:


Diverse Executives & Senior Management


Women Executives & Senior Management


Diverse Associates


Women Associates

Diversity Abstract thumbnail

JAMS DE&I Pulse, a Quarterly Newsletter

Through this newsletter, we aim to provide a concise yet comprehensive update regarding our commitment to combat discrimination in all forms and the progress we are making in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion at JAMS and within the legal industry.

JAMS Diversity Fellowship Program

JAMS Diversity Fellowship Program

In 2021, JAMS established the JAMS Diversity Fellowship program. The 12-month program is designed to provide training, mentorship, sponsorship, and networking opportunities to up-and-coming diverse ADR professionals. JAMS panelists serve as mentors for the fellows and facilitate shadowing of actual cases. Fellows are provided with a practice development plan and marketing opportunities during the course of the program.


Diversity and Inclusion Arbitration Clause

Our Diversity and Inclusion Clause for arbitration contracts aims to empower organizations who value diversity in their business initiatives and to create more opportunities in the industry. With the clause, parties may choose to include diversity as a consideration when selecting an arbitrator or arbitration panel.


Highlighting Diverse Voices at JAMS

In order to provide the essential information that clients seek regarding diversity on the JAMS panel, we recently conducted an internal survey of our 450-plus neutrals to encourage them to self-identify as to specific demographics. Based on our survey, the diversity demographics we currently track are gender, race, and sexual orientation. Click here to learn about some of our diverse mediators and arbitrators at JAMS.


Contact Information

Joanne Saint Louis

1201 W Peachtree, NW Suite 2650 Atlanta, GA 30309

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