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The Interaction Between The CPLR and The Federal Arbitration Act - Which Law Applies and When?

The Interaction Between The CPLR and The Federal Arbitration Act - Which Law Applies and When?

The Interaction Between The CPLR and The Federal Arbitration Act - Which Law Applies and When?
Sponsored by: NYCLA
June 19, 2014 | 6:00 – 9:00 PM
Spotlight on JAMS Panelists: Hon. Ariel E. Belen (Ret.) and Robert B. Davidson, Esq., FCIArb

This CLE program will focus on the interesting and crucial interaction between CPLR art. 75, the New York Arbitration Act, and the Federal Arbitration Act.  This discussion is of vital significance to litigators, arbitrators and transactional attorneys drafting arbitration clauses and will focus on questions such as:

  • When an issue regarding arbitration arises, when does the FAA and when does the CPLR apply?
  • When is interstate commerce implicated in an arbitration and why does it matter?
  • What effects does this statutory choice of law have procedurally in pre-final and post-final award applications for judicial relief?

14 Vesey Street
New York, NY 10007
2nd Floor Auditorium

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