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Advanced Commercial Mediation Training

Advanced Commercial Mediation Training

Presented by the Valencia, Spain Bar Association

Spotlight on JAMS Speaker: Dina Janenson, Esq.
May 22-25, 2013

Ms. Jansenson will train lawyers located in Valencia, Spain, in advanced techniques of resolving complex commercial disputes. The title of the program in Spanish is: “La estructura de la mediación mercantil y técnicas para superar los obstáculos que se presenten en la misma”. Translation: The structure of commercial mediation and techniques for overcoming the impasses which typically arise therein. In this Masters level program, Ms. Jansenson will cover the following topics: what is different about a mediation in which parties are fighting over money? How can the mediator help the parties manage the bargaining process while remaining effective? Ms. Jansenson will teach participants in the use of decision trees; how to conduct an effective evaluative process; and she will share with participants impasse breaking techniques honed in her more than 25-year career as a mediator.

May 22-25, 2013
Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Valencia
(Bar Association, Valencia, Spain)
Plaza de Tetuán, 16 46003 Valencia, Spain

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