As the world’s largest private ADR provider, JAMS administers an average of 22,000 cases in person and online every year. Our panel of more than 450 neutrals includes retired state and federal court judges and attorneys with diverse backgrounds, business acumen and deep industry-specific expertise. Their knowledge of the structure, dynamics and commercial practices of a wide range of economic sectors allows them to distill conflicts down to their core elements and build credibility with all parties.
Our commitment to innovation has allowed us to respond aggressively to COVID 19-related business disruption issues. JAMS neutrals have long used videoconferencing to handle disputes of all sizes, and we’ve successfully resolved thousands of cases remotely during the pandemic. Whether a session is being conducted in person or virtually, our experienced neutrals are adept at facilitating negotiations and managing the resolution process.
JAMS offers mediation, arbitration and other flexible, efficient ADR options to address conflict at any stage.