Complex Personal Injury Mediations
Presented By: JAMS New York
Event | Complex Personal Injury Mediations
Many attorneys think settling a personal injury case is a simple, straightforward proposition. Experienced practitioners know how difficult it can be. Unreasonable client expectations, lien issues, and multi-party bickering, among others, are obstacles between you and the successful resolution of your case. Our experienced panel will discuss strategies for resolving your case, in court or at private mediation, from the initial contact with your adversary through executing an enforceable agreement, and from initial submissions to the neutral through presentation of proof in session. Ethical considerations (including what to disclose to your adversary and the neutral, what not to disclose, and when to ignore these and other rules) will be discussed, along with techniques for negotiating your way around the inevitable impasse. 2.0 CLE Credit will be awarded (1.0 ethics, 1.0 skills) |
Date/Time | Thursday, October 20, 2016
Location | JAMS New York Resolution Center 620 Eighth Avenue, 34th Floor New York, NY 10018 |
JAMS Speakers | Hon. Allen Hurkin-Torres (Ret.) JAMS Neutral & Justice, Supreme Court, Kings County (Ret.) David Horowitz, Esq. |
Additional Speakers | Hon. Doris M. Gonzalez Acting Justice, Supreme Court, Bronx County John Higgitt, Esq. John Riddle, Esq. |
Register | Please RSVP to Ohemah Addai at |