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Arbitrating and Mediating in the New Normal: Lessons Learned and Best Practices for Litigators

Arbitrating and Mediating in the New Normal: Lessons Learned and Best Practices for Litigators

Presented by California Lawyers Association

CLE Webinar Credit: 1 Participatory MCLE Credits
Eight months since the pandemic, lawyers, arbitrators and mediators have all adapted in varying degrees to resolving their clients’ disputes virtually. Going beyond the discussion about the use of various platforms, this practical session will provide litigators with insights from two full time mediators/arbitrators and a litigator who have embraced the “new normal” and who will provide real-world examples and best practices they have encountered that worked well for advocates, assist in preparing clients for a video hearing and created a setting that is conducive to the new virtual reality.

Featured JAMS Speaker
  • Hon. Ellen Sickles James (Ret.)
  • Serena K. Lee Esq. 

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