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Resolving Cases in the World of COVID-19: Tips from Mediators on Settling Cases in Remote Mediations

Resolving Cases in the World of COVID-19: Tips from Mediators on Settling Cases in Remote Mediations

Presented by Bar Association of San Francisco (BASF)

Mediations are perhaps the most effective form of ADR for litigators to resolve hotly-contested disputes and litigation. Although these mediations have traditionally been conducted in person, mediators have adapted and are now conducting mediations virtually. Our panel of experienced mediators will provide their tips for litigators on how to effectively conduct a remote mediation.


Mark Punzalan, Chan Punzalan LLP



Hon. Elizabeth D. Laporte (Ret., N.D. Cal)



Shirish Gupta, Esq.



Mark LeHocky, Esq.

ADR Services, Inc.

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