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Arbitration after Viking River: What the PAGA Are We To Do?

Arbitration after Viking River: What the PAGA Are We To Do?

Presented by Los Angeles County Bar Association, Labor and Employment Section

CLE Credit: 2 hours of CLE credit is offered.
Please join Deborah Crandall Saxe, Esq. and the Labor & Employment section of the Los Angeles County Bar Association for a panel discussion titled "Arbitration after Viking River: What the PAGA Are We To Do?" Panelists will discuss the impact of Viking River, and their experiences both bringing motions to compel arbitration and the arbitration aftermath. Panelists will also share their insight on the possible impact of Adolph v. Uber.

Featured Session:

Arbitration after Viking River: What the PAGA Are We To Do?
Saturday, December 3 | 2:00 - 5:00 PM

Featured JAMS Speaker: 

Deborah Crandall Saxe

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