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Cocktails & CLE


Cocktails & CLE

Presented by the ABA

CLE Reception Credit: CLE Credit Available

Please join us for socializing and education. *Cocktails will be served after CLE program 7-8 PM*.

This program will feature attorneys in the sports and arbitration space. During the program they will discuss their practice in sports law, sports arbitration, and legal and social implications in sports today. We will consider best practices when managing a potentially arbitrated conflict, preparing for, and presenting during an arbitration. Panelists will also discuss the legal implications and responsibilities associated with anti-doping programs in sports and sports practice. The panel includes Christopher F. Droney, David Friedman, Keith Carroll, Nancy Holtz, and Richard Pound, with Sarah Gatti moderating.

Featured JAMS Neutral:

Hon. Nancy Holtz (Ret.)

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