Consumer Financial Services Fundamentals 2025
An array of federal and state laws and regulations governs the consumer financial services industry, together with the constant activities of federal and state agencies. This 1.5-day program will focus on the fundamentals of the practice area, and includes basic content within each panel’s assigned topics. A faculty composed of experienced consumer finance attorneys representing government agencies, consumers and industry, will provide an overview of the legal and regulatory landscape in the consumer finance industry and assist attendees in understanding where to find the appropriate legal resources to address questions in their practices regarding different consumer financial products and services. JAMS neutral Clifford D. Bloomfield, Esq. will join a panel discussion on “Fundamentals of Consumer Arbitration and Class Actions in 2025” at 11:30 AM on Friday, March 14th. See more information on the panel below:
- Understand typical arguments on legal and factual issues in private litigation, including arguments used to support and oppose class certification
- Analyze the different strategies relevant to pursuing litigation vs. arbitration
- Navigate the world of mass arbitrations, where hundreds or thousands of claimants file parallel arbitration proceedings alleging similar conduct by the same defendant