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Joan B. Kessler, Esq., Ph.D.
JAMS Neutral Inquiry
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General Biography
Practice Areas & Industries
Accounting Finance
Business Commercial
Employment Law
Entertainment & Sports
Estate Probate Trusts
Health Care
Professional Liability
Real Property
Honors, Memberships, and Professional Activities
Background and Education
Joan B. Kessler, Esq., Ph.D. is a neutral at JAMS with close to 20 years of experience as an ADR professional. Dr. Kessler has a Ph.D. in communications and experience with empirical research and statistical analysis. She has mediated and arbitrated hundreds of diverse matters, including individual and class action employment; real property; business/commercial, including partnership and shareholder disputes; estate/probate/trust; insurance; and entertainment cases. With a law career spanning more than 30 years, she has the legal experience and knowledge to quickly understand complex legal issues. Dr. Kessler’s 10-plus years of experience as a jury researcher and consultant affords her the ability to provide key insights into jury dynamics.
Dr. Kessler is a uniquely qualified mediator, arbitrator and neutral evaluator whose training and education allow her to communicate effectively with attorneys and all parties involved in her matters. Her background in communications helps her to develop a rapport with even the most challenging, combative and high-profile personalities. She possesses a keen ability to bring parties together to reach resolution on even the most contentious of matters. Dr. Kessler uses her ability to speak Spanish and her understanding of inter-cultural uniqueness in Korean, Persian, Israeli, Armenian, and other cultures to help resolve disputes through mediation.
Dr. Kessler has for years been firmly committed to mentoring young professionals, particularly law students and beginning lawyers. For over 25 years, the Joan B. Kessler Award has provided support for graduate students at the University of Michigan to assist them in completing their dissertation research. Dr. Kessler has been included on the list of Most Influential Women Attorneys by the Los Angeles Business Journal.
ADR Experience and Qualifications
Close to 20 years of experience as an ADR professional, resolving hundreds of matters through mediation or arbitration
30-year legal career handling diverse matters, including individual and class action employment; real property; business/commercial, including partnership disputes and shareholder disputes; estate/probate/trust; insurance; and entertainment cases
10+ years’ experience as a jury researcher and consultant
Understands research methodology and statistical analysis
The experience list below may come from cases handled as an arbitrator, a mediator, or as counsel.
Representative Matters
Accounting Finance
$15M dispute over generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), including sophisticated principles related to trust issues and sale of a closely held clothing company and related inventory valuation
Shareholders dispute over distributions and corporate governance. Many sophisticated accounting issues involving valuation of minority shareholder, for lack of control and lack of marketability. Dispute over business valuation. Assets’ alleged value approximately $35M.
Shareholders dispute over distributions and corporate governance involving sophisticated tax issues with conversion to Sub Chapter S Corporation and valuation of assets valued at tens of millions in real property
Dispute over which life insurance carrier’s insurance policy covered decedent in tax-free exchange of policy
Allegations related to failure to secure tax credits on film project
Family estate planning and real estate matter related to family limited partnership (FLP) involving assets with alleged value of tens of millions of dollars and sophisticated tax issues
Special administrator for real estate with extensive tax and accounting and real property issues
Multi-million-dollar dispute among heirs to an estate involving accounting, inventory, tax and appraisal issues
Dispute related to Franchise Tax Board real estate valuation claims
Business Commercial
High-profile dispute between owner of a well-known restaurant and person who had raised funds for the restaurant/club
Whistleblower fraud matter involving a Fortune 500 company that brought suit against a corporation for allegedly submitting false invoices for services and equipment, and for bribing employees to mask the fraud
Dispute concerning alleged failure to repay on promissory note and for fraud in inducing the loan through fraudulent financial statements
Alleged breach of contract for monies due on assignment of health insurance benefits, breach of oral contract, unfair business practices claimed
Contract dispute over a partnership agreement alleging fraud and breach of fiduciary duty
Alleged negligent loan processing and packaging by a loan broker to a bank and resulting indemnification issues
Breach of contract / implied warranty action
Dispute over construction contract in large shopping mall
Breach of contract claim against defendant for failure to honor its guarantees on retail installment sales contracts assigned to plaintiff
Breach of contract regarding breach in licensing/distribution rights
Dispute over terms and enforcement of commercial lease
Alleged breach of contract for sale of goods
Alleged breach of property management agreement
Dispute over various retail installment sales contracts related to the issue of recourse or non-recourse
Plaintiff sued by lender on promissory note. Defendant raised set-offs.
Plaintiff sued for attorney’s fees, and defendant filed a cross-complaint
Large law firm accused of overcharging/failure to communicate with client
Breach of contract claims and alleged fraud and misrepresentations raised by national mortgage company against packager of subprime mortgages
Alleged breach of warranty and money due
Business collection dispute
Business alleged failure to pay factor on invoices
Mediated various cases involving bankruptcy adversary proceedings
Complaints for non-dischargeability in bankruptcy wherein plaintiff lenders asserted fraud and other claims against borrowers
Employment Law
Dispute between a former employee and a Fortune 500 office wares company, which yielded a settlement through mediation
Employment dispute with a Fortune 500 cosmetic company, which led to a mutually beneficial settlement agreement
Dispute with Fortune 500 Medical Devices company
Wrongful termination claim brought against a Fortune 100 oil services company by former employee
Numerous matters involving sexual harassment claims
Various age discrimination cases
Various race discrimination cases
Various wage and hour cases including individual plaintiffs and class actions
Wrongful termination matter including sexual harassment issues
Trade secrets matter for improper taking of client lists and other trade secrets
Hostile work environment claim involving allegations against supervisor for causing employee to view sexually explicit information
Matter involving employee allegations of wrongful termination, denial of promotion and discrimination based on sexual orientation. Further claims of being wrongfully accused of sexually harassing someone in the workplace.
Sexual orientation discrimination claim for multi-million-dollar sum
Class action cases involving Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) issues related to use of credit bureau documentation related to hiring
Matters with failure to accommodate claims
Whistleblower claims
Pregnancy discrimination claims
Misclassification of employees as independent contractors claims
Entertainment & Sports
Dispute between talent and manager regarding payments due related to a TV project
Dispute between special effects company and producer related to negligence on commercial project
Dispute related to use of likeness
Dispute over alleged defamation on documentary project
Profit participation disputes
Royalty calculations disputes
Allegations of improper withholding of distributions related to profit participation on film project
Disputes between business managers and agents
Wage and hour cases, including below-the-line disputes related to commercials and filming
Dispute over payment of insurance policy related to on-set accident involving special effects
Dispute over workers’ compensation issues related to an accident on a movie set
Dispute between East Coast and West Coast beneficiaries of a music library
Dispute concerning amount owed by insurer related to accident on commercial set
Estate Probate Trusts
Family estate planning and real estate matter related to family limited partnership (FLP) involving assets with alleged value of tens of millions of dollars and sophisticated tax issues
Dispute over the proper beneficiary of a large bequest including real estate
Beneficiaries of trust assets alleged that trustee breached fiduciary duties in administering trust
Beneficiaries of trust disputed division of real property and personal property (pre-litigation)
Warring family members fought an emotionally charged breach of fiduciary duty case regarding management of real estate. Longstanding family feud issues and millions of dollars in real estate were at issue.
Co-trustee brought action to remove the other co-trustee for breach of fiduciary duty
Children of deceased father in dispute with second wife over division of assets pursuant to trust. Extensive accounting issues.
Dispute between co-trustee and contingent beneficiaries over disposition of real estate of the trust and other issues
Transfer of property related to testamentary bequest was in dispute. Undue influence was alleged.
Special administrator for real estate with extensive tax and accounting and real property issues
Multi-million-dollar dispute among heirs to an estate involving accounting, inventory, tax and appraisal issues
Dispute over accounting issues in a trust matter. Dispute over sale of trust real property and who had the right to sell.
Dispute between daughter of decedent and husband of decedent over disposition of stock accounts, residence and retirement accounts.
Dispute over validity of joint tenancy and accounting issues.
Health Care
Multiple cases between insurers and hospitals regarding payment of fees
Complex payor/provider disputes involving reimbursement for past claims, future contract terms and determination of the usual, customary and reasonable rate
Complex employment disputes involving high-level health care providers and their employees
Medicare and Medicaid disputes
Dispute over whether coverage exists for payments related to in vitro fertilization
Professional Liability
Case involving alleged malpractice by large CPA firm related to expert witness testimony
Case involving alleged malpractice by accounting professional related to audit
Case involving alleged malpractice by national law firm involving alleged abandonment of client
Case involving regional law firm involving alleged ethics violation
Real Property
Discovery referee for depositions and related discovery
Breach of contract and alleged conversion of rents and rescission in sale of commercial property
Residential lot line and easement dispute between property owners
Alleged concealment of prior debt in real estate transaction
Fraud and breach of contract in purchase and sale of residential real estate where mold was found after close of escrow
Real estate dispute over whether transaction was a lease or whether there was a veiled security (or loan)
Matter concerning real estate broker alleged failure to disclose termite and water damage
Dispute over construction work at a condominium, which resulted in damages to a downstairs neighbor unit owner
Borrower dispute with lender over alleged oral agreement related to terms of real estate refinancing agreement
Alleged non-disclosure of prior water damage in sale of residential real property
Alleged breach of contract in sale of commercial real estate and related assignment agreement
Alleged real estate appraisal fraud related to subprime lending
Breach of contract regarding sale of commercial real estate resulting in alleged lost sales and revenues
Dispute between broker and seller over payment of commissions
Dispute over payment of broker’s commission in residential real estate sale and alleged fraud
Alleged failure to disclose a material fact in the sale of a residence against major brokerage
Default on the lease by subtenant. Cross-complaint alleged defects to the real property (leaks, etc.).
National corporation sued individuals and large national bank for millions of dollars alleging that defendants fraudulently transferred ownership of property
Commercial property dispute over signage and parking issues
Adverse possession and prescriptive right claim
A lot line dispute with cross-complaints that went on for many years before mediation
Partners in a real estate transaction disputed distribution of proceeds after sale of property
Alleged that seller/seller's agents failed to disclose material fact in sale of property
Neighbors dispute over responsibility for damage caused by landslide
Title insurance company cases involving millions of dollars alleging failure to properly issue title insurance policies, equitable subrogation and related issues
Dispute of responsibility for breach of assigned leases
Landlord tenant dispute
Coverage dispute over whether insurance was due and in what amount related to flooding of residence
Disputes over title insurance coverage related to easement dispute
Honors, Memberships, and Professional Activities
Completed Virtual ADR training conducted by the JAMS Institute, the training arm of JAMS.
Recognized, Most Influential Women Attorneys List, Los Angeles Business Journal, 2019; Nominated, 2020
Los Angeles Superior Court Awardee in Mediation, 2008
Recognized, Top Women Litigators List, Daily Journal, 2006
Peer-rated “AV Preeminent” by Martindale-Hubbell, highest-possible rating in both legal ability and ethical standards, 1997–2024
Named on multiple lists of Who’s Who, including Who’s Who in America (nominated for 2020 edition), Who’s Who in American Law and Who’s Who of American Women
Named in the “Corporate Counsel Super Lawyers Edition”
Southern California Super Lawyer, Alternative Dispute Resolution, 2006–2009, 2012–2024
Admitted to the State Bar of California
Admitted to the U.S. Tax Court
Admitted to the U.S. District Court, Central District of California
Member, Los Angeles County and Beverly Hills Bar Associations, 2024
Member, Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles (WLALA), 1986–2024
Member, Executive Committee, Business Section, Beverly Hills Bar Association, 2013–2015
Panel Mediator, U.S. District Court of Central District of California, 2012–2024
Member, California Academy of Distinguished Neutrals, 2008–2024
Member, Organization of Women Executives, 1996–2024
Member, National Association of Women Judges,
Board of Governors, Loyola Law School, 2013–2024
Professional Activities and Community Service
Panelist, "Making the Move: Best Practices, Ethics & Tips to Transition to ADR," National Association of Women Judges (NAWJ) Midyear Meeting, 2025
Board of Trustees, Karsh Center, 2021-2024
ICLC Liaison, Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles (WLALA) Foundation Board of Governors, 2022-2024
Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles (WLALA) Board of Governors, 2018-2022
Panelist, "Inventing & Reinventing Yourself", Los Angeles Business Journal (LABJ) Women Leadership Symposium, 2022
Board Member, UCLA Hillel Board, 2020-2024
Advisory Board Member, Women in Leadership Executive Program, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2021
Panel Presenter, "Life After Degree: UCLA Communication Alumni in Law" Career Panel, 2019
Associate Editor, Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles (CAALA) “Advocate” Magazine, 2007–2016
Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office Transition/Advisory Team Member, 2001–2004
Board of Governors, City of Hope, Member of Executive Committee, 1994–1999
Board of Directors (Western States Board), National Jewish Center for Immunology & Respiratory Medicine, 1991–1995
Board of Directors, St. Vincent’s Hospital Foundation, 1990–2007
Board of Directors, St. Vincent’s Meals on Wheels, 2007–2009
Board of Directors, American Cancer Society, San Fernando Valley Unit, 1982–1983
Advisory Board, Kauai Film Commission, 2003–2009
Advisory Board, Turks & Caicos International Film Festival, 2006
Board of Governors, Loyola Law School, 2013–Present
Board of Trustees, University of Michigan Hillel, 2013–2019
Prolific writer on the elements that impact jury decision-making
Kessler, Karnes & Follert, “The Effect of Juror Sex on the Decision-making of Student and Actual Jurors in a Simulated Civil Case,” S C A convention paper, Houston (1975)
Kulka & Kessler, “Is Justice Really Blind? – The Influence of Litigant Physical Attractiveness on Juridical Judgment,” 8 Journal of Applied Social Psychology 366 (1978)
Kessler, "Caucus or Joint Session: To Meet or Not to Meet?", Volume 39, Number 9, Advocate (September 2012)
Kessler, "Is Collegiality a Thing of the Past?", Volume 38, Number 9, Advocate (September 2011)
Kessler, "The Connection between Mediation and Military Strategy," Daily Journal (July 8, 2011)
Kessler, "Key Elements of the Successful Mediation," Volume 37, Number 9, Advocate (September 2010)
Kessler, "The Mediation Isn’t Successful If the Settlement Doesn’t Stick," Volume 36, Number 10, Advocate (October 2009)
Kessler, "Mediation Roadmap: The Mediation Brief – Plain English Trumps Legalese," Volume 35, Number 10, Advocate (October 2008)
“Mediator Draws on Her Multifaceted Careers,” Los Angeles Daily Journal (April 18, 2008)
Kessler, "Beyond the Golden Rule: Successful Intercultural Mediations" Volume 34, Number 10, Advocate (October 2007)
University of Michigan, Rackham School, Alumni Magazine, 2005, article, page 10
Benson and Kessler, “Legalese v. Plain English: An Empirical Study of Persuasion and Credibility in Appellate Brief Writing,” 20 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review (January 1987)
Kessler, “The Lawyer’s Intercultural Communication Problems with Clients from Diverse Cultures,” Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business 64 (Spring 1988)
Kessler, “Use of Videotape for the Expert Witness,” 28 Journal of the American Academy of Forensic Science (April 1983)
Kessler, The Social Psychology of Jury Deliberation, in R. J. Simon (Ed.), The Jury System in America, A Critical Overview, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications (1975)
Note, An Empirical Study of Six- and Twelve-member Jury Decision-making Processes, 6 U. of Mich. J. L. Ref. 712 (1973) (cited in) Colgrove v. Battin 413 U.S. 149, 159 (1973); Georgia v. Ballew 435 U.S. 223, 238, 242 (1978)
ADR Profiles
"No Nonsense," Daily Journal, ADR Profile, August 3, 2018
Background and Education
Mediator, arbitrator and special master, JAMS, 2017–Present
Attorney, mediator and arbitrator, Kessler & Kessler, A Law Corporation, president and shareholder, 1994–2017
Arbitrator and mediator, American Arbitration Association, 2010–2017
Mediator, arbitrator and discovery referee, ADR Services, Inc., 2006–2013
Attorney, Gold, Marks, Ring & Pepper, 1990–1993
Attorney, Frandzel & Share, A Law Corporation, 1986–1990
Extern, California Court of Appeal, 1985–1986
J.D., Loyola Law School, 1986
Chief Articles Editor, Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal
Associate Professor, California State University, Northridge
Honors, Danforth Fellowship, 1981–1986
Tenured, Department of Speech Communication, 1977–1983
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, 1977–1979
Women’s Center Board of Directors
Assistant Professor, Loyola University of Chicago, Department of Communication, 1973–1976
Conducted jury behavior research and consulted on jury selection
University of Michigan, Ph.D., Speech Communication, 1973
Jury researcher and consultant, 1971–1973
University of California, Los Angeles, M.A., Speech Communication, 1969
University of Michigan, A.B., English, 1967
Home Office
Century City, California
1925 Century Park East, 14th Floor, The Watt Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90067
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