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Laura C. Abrahamson
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Laura C. Abrahamson Esq., FCIArb

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Accounting Finance
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Construction Defect
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Insurance Coverage
Intellectual Property, Trade Secrets and Technology
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Honors, Memberships, and Professional Activities
Background and Education

Laura C. Abrahamson, Esq.,  joined JAMS in 2020 with robust ADR experience following her illustrious legal career in private practice and in-house senior leadership roles at Fortune 500 companies. She brings a unique, well-rounded and pragmatic perspective to her ADR practice, as well as deep national and international experience in commercial disputes and the engineering, construction, oil and gas, and chemicals industries.

Ms. Abrahamson has been appointed as an arbitrator in more than 200 matters and has experience as an arbitrator, advocate and client in the U.S. and significant jurisdictions around the world, including matters involving antitrust, complex commercial contracts, energy, engineering and construction, environmental, labor and employment, insurance coverage, intellectual property, professional liability, securities and sports and entertainment under JAMS, AAA, CIAM, DIAC, ICC, ICDR, ICSID, LCIA, Thai and UNCITRAL rules.

Prior to joining JAMS, Ms. Abrahamson served as senior vice president, deputy general counsel and global head of litigation at AECOM, an American multinational firm that provides engineering, design, consulting and construction services, where she oversaw complex, cross-border disputes. Previously, Ms. Abrahamson spent nearly 20 years in-house at Occidental Petroleum (OXY), where she led major litigation and domestic and international arbitration efforts. Her experience at OXY and AECOM included numerous plaintiffs’ domestic and international arbitration claims arising out of energy, power and construction infrastructure projects; most notably, an ICSID arbitration against the Republic of Ecuador was recognized by Global Arbitration Review as the “Most Important Published Decision of 2012” and selected as the “2013 Global Dispute of the Year, Investment Arbitration” by The American Lawyer.

Prior to moving in-house, Ms. Abrahamson spent her first seven years of private practice at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, focusing on complex commercial litigation and arbitrations, including representing Big Four accounting firms in shareholder class actions following the 1980s savings and loan crisis and participating in four trials. She returned to private practice at O’Melveny & Myers from 2014 to 2016, focusing on energy and construction matters as well as domestic and international arbitration.
A Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and the College of Commercial Arbitrators, Ms. Abrahamson currently serves as President of California Arbitration (“CalArb”); on the board of the CIArb North American Branch, the board of governors of the Institute for Corporate Counsel; as an advisory board member for the Institute of Transnational Arbitration; as an arbitrator for the Swiss-based Court of Arbitration for Sport; on the List of Arbitrators for the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC); as a member of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) panel; and as an arbitrator for the Public Works Contract Arbitration Program (PWCA).

As a mediator and arbitrator, Ms. Abrahamson is sensitive to the financial, political and other pressures facing parties in disputes, and uses her decades of experience as both an advocate and a client, her strong financial and legal backgrounds and her ability to quickly synthesize information and assess strengths, weaknesses and nuances of cases to promote efficient and fair resolutions.

Ms. Abrahamson holds a degree in business administration from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley, with a dual major in accounting and finance, and J.D. from the UCLA School of Law.

Representative Matters as Arbitrator and Mediator

  • Issued awards as sole arbitrator in multiple breach of contract cases involving solar energy projects including cases under New York, Delaware and California law
  • Issued award as sole arbitrator in breach of contract dispute arising out of termination of franchise agreement
  • Issued award on claims for interference with prospective economic advantage in government contracting
  • Arbitrated and granted summary disposition of claims for breach of promissory notes 
  • Issued award as sole arbitrator in commercial dispute arising out of purchase of minority interest in e-commerce venture
  • Chaired tripartite panel arbitrating contract and tort claims relating to post-closing purchase price adjustments for sale of business
  • Arbitrated and issued awards in multiple disputes alleging breach of fiduciary duties by officers and directors
  • Arbitrated partnership disputes relating to commercial real estate venture, including valuation and share purchase agreements
  • Arbitrated breach of SAAS agreement between health care software company and operator of skilled nursing facilities
  • Arbitrated dispute regarding tax gross up obligations under Share Purchase Agreement 
  • Arbitrated multiple cases involving California’s Unfair Competition Act and False Advertising Act
  • Arbitrated multiple cases alleging violations of California Consumer Legal Remedies Act and Song-Beverly Consumer Warranty Act
  • Arbitrated disputes relating to commercialization of cannabis 
  • Arbitrated international dispute related to sale and export of California agricultural products
  • Arb/Med of contractual dispute arising out of multiple joint venture investments 
  • Mediated intentional interference with contract dispute 
  • Mediated disputes involving valuation of equity and stock options granted to senior executives
Construction and Engineering
  • Arbitrated dispute between engineering construction company and consultant relating to major public-private infrastructure projects
  • Arbitrated several multi-party disputes relating to alleged engineering and construction defects, including for energy projects, hotel projects and residential properties
  • Mediated municipal public works construction dispute involving replacement of four-lane divided major roadway, installation of fiber optic cabling and installation/replacement of traffic signals at multiple intersections
  • Mediated multi-party construction defect case relating to solar panel installation 
  • Mediated dispute between subcontractor and surety related to public works construction. 


  • Arbitrated and mediated numerous employment matters involving wrongful termination, FEHA claims for sexual harassment, hostile work environment, age, race and disability discrimination, retaliation, and failure to prevent/accommodate/engage in interactive process, whistle blower claims, CFRA claims and claims for constructive discharge.
  • Arbitrated and mediated multiple disputes relating to California Labor Code wage and hour violations, including meal and rest break, overtime and tip theft disputes, failure to pay minimum wages and PAGA claims
  • Issued awards in numerous employment disputes, including:
    • Dispute between senior executive and entertainment company for severance compensation due under employment agreement
    • Dispute between health care provider and hospital including claims of perceived disability discrimination and failure to engage in interactive process
    • Dispute between executive and energy company including claims of gender discrimination and violations of Dodd-Frank Act
    • Dispute between executive and government contractor including claims of embezzlement, breach of contract, interference with prospective economic advantage and fraud
    • Several disputes over former employees’ obligations to repay tuition and signing bonuses
    • Multiple disputes between employees and employers involving allegations of discrimination, harassment and wage and hour violations.
  • Arbitrated disputes relating to valuation of stock options
  • Mediated disputes relating to senior executive compensation agreements, including valuation of equity and stock options in healthcare and technology industries
  • Mediated discrimination, harassment and wrongful termination claims.
  • Issued award as sole arbitrator in dispute arising out of purchase and sale agreements and guaranties for development of three mega solar power and battery storage projects 
  • Issued awards as sole arbitrator in solar panel disputes 
  • Arbitrated and issued dispositive order in oil and gas dispute regarding post-production costs and calculation of royalties and net profit interests (part of three arbitrator tribunal)
  • Arbitrated cross border dispute under CIAM Rules involving contractual claims and construction defects relating to hot salt tank for solar project 
  • Mediated oil and gas drilling rights dispute between surface and mineral owners 
  • Mediated multi-party dispute relating to solar panel installation
  • Mediated disputes concerning interpretation of settlement and indemnification agreements for environmental contamination
Health Care and Life Sciences
  • Mediated and arbitrated employment disputes in the healthcare sector involving medical professionals, insurers, medical and dental groups and hospitals (including whistleblower complaints) 
  • Mediated disputes relating to food safety 
  • Mediated disputes relating to valuation of equity and stock options in healthcare industry 
  • Arbitrated contract dispute between healthcare software company and operator of skilled nursing facilities
Insurance Coverage
  • Arbitrated subrogation claim with respect to defective solar panels and cross claims for product liability 
  • Mediated dispute between surety and subcontractor in public works construction 
  • In private practice, and more recently as mediator, handled insurance coverage disputes involving environmental contamination
Intellectual Property, Trade Secrets and Technology
  • Arbitrated trademark secret disputes including claims for trademark infringement, trade libel and theft of customer information brought by supplier against former certified service provider 
  • Arbitrated cross border dispute arising out of licensing agreement for turbo compressors used in air conditioning systems 
  • Arbitrated cross border dispute involving breach of contract and warranty claims for satellite technology 
  • Mediated disputes relating to valuation of equity and stock options in technology industry
Real Estate
  • Arbitrated dispute for breach of purchase agreement for commercial real estate venture 
  • Arbitrated claims of fraudulent inducement and violation of California’s Financial Elder Abuse statutes related to timeshare contracts 
  • Issued award as sole arbitrator in dispute between mortgage lending company and former employee
  • Mediated commercial real estate disputes, including claims for intentional interference with real estate sales contract and claims related to environmental liabilities
Professional Liability
  • Arbitrated dispute relating to non-payment of fees and claims related to consulting agreement
  • Arbitrated legal malpractice and fee disputes between law firms and former clients 
  • Mediated dispute relating to alleged accounting malpractice brought by client in cannabis industry
Securities and Finance
  • Arbitrated unfair competition law claims relating to brokerage and credit card accounts
  • Arbitrated disputes relating to breach of share purchase agreement including tax dispute
Sports and Entertainment
  • Arbitrated and mediated employment disputes in the esports and entertainment industries, including disputes over senior executive compensation, equity and stock options 
  • Issued multiple awards as sole arbitrator in Safe Sport temporary measures cases 
  • Issued multiple awards in disputes over anti-doping sanctions as member of Court of arbitration for Sport (CAS) Chair or Co-Arbitrator in cases involving Act as an arbitrator on the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) as Chair or Co-Arbitrator and issued multiple awards in cases involving doping sanctions involving cycling, swimming and track and field athletes 
  • Issued award in case brought under Horseracing Integrity Welfare Unit (HIWU) rules 
  • Mediated dispute arising out of film production and license agreement 
  • Mediated defamation claims related to adult entertainment industry

Representative Matters in Private Practice as Advocate and Client

Energy/Oil and Gas/Chemicals

Disputes with clients, joint-venture partners, state, federal and local governments, royalty owners and third parties arising out of oil and gas and chemicals operations, interpreting production sharing, joint venture, midstream, gas processing, transportation and purchase and sale agreements and lease and indemnity obligations; disputes relating to construction of power projects and energy infrastructure, including national and international commercial and investor state disputes under JAMS, AAA, DIAC, ICC, ICSID, LCIA, Thai and UNCITRAL rules.

Engineering and Construction

Disputes between owners, contractors and design professionals involving claims of delay, disruption, variations, cost overruns, acceleration, defects, professional negligence and breach of contract arising out of public infrastructure projects (airports, highways, subways, wastewater treatment plants), private infrastructure projects (power plants, oil, gas and chemical refineries and plants), public building projects (hospitals, prisons, courthouses, schools and universities),private building projects (hotels, high-rise office buildings, private hospitals), heavy construction projects (dams, bridges), and stadiums and arenas, including international, national and maritime jurisdictions

Accounting, Finance and Securities Class Actions

Securities shareholder class actions and derivative actions in California and Delaware including disputes alleging auditing and accounting failures following savings and loan crisis, financial impropriety, challenging executive compensation practices, adequacy of corporate governance measures, adequacy of disclosures relating to free cash flow and factoring and disclosures by government contractor. Disputes challenging accounting practices for oil and gas production expenses, joint-venture billing and royalty payments. Led forensic accounting investigations that uncovered defalcations and accounting irregularities in nonprofit institutions. 

Antitrust and Trade

Litigated antitrust suits in multiple jurisdictions relating to exchanges of compensation data in oil and gas and chemicals industries. Spearheaded defense of FTC antitrust investigations of silicates business and DOJ antitrust investigations of oil and gas and chemical industries’ compensation practices. Litigated antidumping and counterveiling duties matters related to imports of chlorinated isocyanurates from Spain and China. 

Business and Commercial

Numerous domestic and cross border breach of contract arbitrations, trials and appeals, including claims related to failed merger agreements, termination of franchise/distribution agreements, exclusive licensing agreements and anchor tenant leases in major shopping centers as well as claims of intentional interference with prospective economic advantage. 


Litigated and arbitrated numerous environmental disputes, including multiple toxic tort class actions relating to ammonia, benzene, butadiene and PCB contamination, releases and exposure, claims relating to alleged environmental damage associated with leaking underground storage tanks and oilfield operations and well blowouts in US and Bangladesh. Dispute to enjoin U.S. Department of Energy sale of strategic Elk Hills Naval Petroleum reserve based on protection of endangered species.

Governmental Investigations, False Claims Act and Corporate Governance 

Conducted internal investigations into alleged violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and False Claims Act (FCA); responded to subpoenas and governmental agency investigations and defended and negotiated resolution of qui tam, government agency, NGO and corporate governance actions, World Bank, and Alien Tort Claims Act including international and national jurisdictions.

Health Care

Litigated health care disputes, including matters alleging fraudulent billing practices by major laboratories, insurance disputes relating to alleged experimental treatment for breast cancer, and alleged contamination of hospital water supply.

Insurance Coverage

Disputes relating to engineering, construction, oil and gas and chemical general liability, premises liability, bodily injury, business interruption and asbestos coverage, including pre-litigation negotiated resolution and mediations of coverage in high-profile projects in international and national jurisdictions.

Intellectual Property

Litigated $1B trademark fraud and infringement dispute and disputes alleging breach of confidentiality and misappropriation of trade secret seismic and geological information in state and federal courts; negotiated multiple licensing contracts for software app developer. 

Labor and Employment

Investigated and litigated numerous sexual harassment, wrongful termination, discrimination and other labor and employment claims in California, U.S. and internationally 

Personal Injury

Litigated and mediated multiple wrongful death disputes and claims for injuries arising out of chartered airplane crash, oil field and chemical plant accidents and traffic and pedestrian accidents in U.S. and Peru.

Sports and Entertainment

Litigated and applications for temporary restraining order and preliminary injunctions to require cable company to carry certain programming; negotiated contracts for video game and mobile app production company.  

Honors, Memberships, and Professional Activities

Completed Virtual ADR training conducted by the JAMS Institute, the training arm of JAMS and the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution Mediating the Litigated Case training.

Honors and Awards

  • Most Important Published Decision of 2012, Global Arbitration Review
  • 2013 Global Dispute of the Year: Investment Arbitration, The American Lawyer
  • Mondaq Thought Leadership Award Winner, Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, Spring 2024

Memberships and Affiliations

  • California Arbitration (CalArb), President 2024- 2025, Vice President 2023-2024, and Board Member 2022-2024 
  • California International Arbitration Week, Co-Chair 2025, Joint Planning Committee 2022-2024 
  • Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Fellow 2018- 2024, North American Branch Board Member 2020-2024 
  • College of Commercial Arbitrators, Fellow 2023-2024 
  • Institute for Corporate Counsel, Member Board of Governors 2019-2024 
  • Institute for Transnational Arbitration, Advisory Board Member 2022-2024, 2014-16 
  • Boarding for Breast Cancer, Treasurer 2020- 2024, Board Member 2016-2024 
  • Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) List of Arbitrators, 2021-2024 
  • London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) Panel, 2021-2024 
  • Public Works Contract Arbitration Program (PWCA) List of Arbitrators, 2021-2024 
  • Arbitral Women, 2018–2024 
  • Corporate Counsel International Arbitration Group, Executive Committee, 2019-2020 
  • ICCA, 2023-2024, San Francisco 2028 Bid Committee 2023-2024 
  • Society for Construction Law, 2022-2024 
  • Sports Law Association, 2019–2024 
  • Women in Sports Law, 2019–2024 
  • International Centre for Dispute Resolution, California Advisory Committee, 2018-2020 
  • Institute for Energy Law, Advisory Board Member, 2014–2016

Selected Speaking Engagements

  • “Corporate Counsel Roundtable: Global Trends in Managing Cross Border Disputes” 8th Annual USC-JAMS International Arbitration Symposium with SIAC and CalArb: Arbitration in the Pacific Rim, September 2024 
  • “Low Low Carbon Transition: All Roads Lead to More Energy Disputes”, Yonsei Arbitration Day, August 2024 
  • “The Parameters of Due Process – What are the Defining Influences”, “ Institute for Transnational Arbitration Workshop, June 2024 
  • “Women in Arbitration – California Stories”, California International Arbitration Week March 2024 
  • Top Considerations for Selecting International Arbitration Seats and the Rise of the US as an international ADR Hub” {Podcast] January 2024
  • “Drafting ADR Clauses for Commercial Contracts”, In-House Connect, June 2023 
  • “Learning from War Stories: Lessons from Those in the Trenches”, Society of Construction Law, North America, April 2023 
  • “Improving Arbitration: In-House Counsel’s Perspective” ABA Toolbox Talk, March 2023 
  • “California International Arbitration: Coming of Age” Daily Journal podcast, March 2023 
  • “Settlement Case Study: Strategies for Negotiating a Favorable FCA Settlement”, American Conference Institute, January 2023
  • “GAR Live: Question Time - Energy transition and what it may mean for arbitration,” GAR Live Women in Arbitration London, 2022 
  • “Affirmative Claims and The Surety”, Pearlman 2022
  • “Renewable Energy Opportunities and Energy-Related Infrastructure Development,” iLaw ILS Global Forum on International Law, 2022
  • “2 Fast 2 Furious: Arbitration in an hour” GAR Live Construction Disputes Paris, 2022
  • “Harnessing Global Change to Propel Diversity in International Arbitration: New Initiatives and Opportunities,” California International Arbitration Week, 2022;
  • “Building a Better International Arbitration – A California Corporate Counsel’s Perspective,” California International Arbitration Week, 2022
  • “What is the Future of Law in Sport?” Law in Sport 7th Annual Conference – Understand the Rules of the Game, 2021
  • “Cocktails and Conversations: Hot Topics in Global Energy and Construction Projects,” JAMS Webinar, 2021
  • “2nd Annual Global Construction Disputes Update: The Energy Transition,” USC Gould Webinar 2021
  • “Complex and Cross-Border Construction Claims: Former GC’s, now Arbitrators, Mediators, Explore Dispute Resolution that Keeps Projects Moving,” JAMS Webinar, 2021
  • “Diversity in International Arbitration: Action Requires Commitment, but from who?” JAMS Webinar, 2021
  • “The Business Case for ADR”, JAMS Podcast 2021
  • “The Challenges of Multi-Party and Multi-Contract Issues in International Arbitration and the Anticipated ICC Rules Changes”, New York Arbitration Week (2020)
  • “Evaluating and Learning From Business Disputes in a VUCA World,” CPR European Conference on Business Dispute Management, 2020
  • “ADR in a Time of Pandemic and Global Warming: How the System Must Adapt to the Future,” Society for Construction Law, 2020
  • “The Future of Dispute Resolution,” USC Gould/JAMS Arbitration Institute Webinar Series, 2020
  • “Litigation Management Roundtable,” ABA Section of Litigation Corporate Counsel Seminar, 2020
  • “Transparency in Commercial Arbitration,” CPR Annual Meeting, 2020
  • “False Claims Act: Recent Trends and Reducing Risk,” Construction SuperConference, 2019
  • “Tools for Timeliness,” ICC West Coast Conference, 2019
  • ”Best Practices in International Arbitration,” USC/JAMS Arbitration Symposium, 2019
  • “Arbitration Challenged: Reforming Commercial Arbitration in Response to Legitimacy Concerns,” ICCA Congress, 2018
  • “Would Construction Arbitration Benefit From Value Engineering, or Does It Need a Full Overhaul?” GAR Live Construction Disputes, 2018
  • “How to Maximize Efficiency In a Complex Case,” AAA Construction Conference, 2018
  • “Efficient Litigation Management and Cost Containment,” Chief Litigation Officer Summit, 2018
  • “The Diversity Dividend: The Power of the Purse,” Groundbreaking Women in Construction Conference, 2017
  • “Managing the Client Through the Dispute Resolution Process: An Industry Perspective," Construction SuperConference, 2016


  • “Is International Arbitration Adapting to the Speed of Business?”, Los Angeles Daily Journal February 28, 2023
  • “Insights from the General Counsel’s Office: Seven Steps to Success in Complex Construction Arbitration”,  JAMS ADR Insights, 2023
  • “Value Engineering Construction Arbitration,” JAMS Global Construction Solutions, Fall 2021
  • “Enhancing Efficiency in Construction Disputes,” JAMS ADR Insights, July 2021 
  • “Getting a Handle on It: Drafting Tips for In-House Counsel to Control Costs of Commercial Dispute Resolution”,, May 2021
  • “Cost, Delay and Transparency: A Comment on Continued Legitimacy Concerns from a User’s Perspective,” Evolution and Adaption: The Future of International Arbitration, ICCA Congress Series No. 20, Kluwer Law International BV, 2020, pp. 354-360 (Jean Kalicki and Mohamed Abdel Raouf, Eds.)
  • “Hottest Oil and Gas Claims of 2015—And How to Beat Them,” Proceedings at the Institute for Energy Law’s 66th Annual Oil & Gas Law Conference, Matthew Bender (with Barry Barnett), 2015

Background and Education

  • Senior Vice President, Deputy General Counsel, Global Head of Litigation; AECOM; 2016–2020
  • Senior Counsel, O’Melveny & Myers LLP, 2014–2016
  • Associate General Counsel – Litigation, Occidental Petroleum Corporation, 1994–2014
  • Associate; Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher; 1987–1994
  • J.D., UCLA School of Law, 1987
  • Judicial Externship, Hon. David R. Thompson, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
  • B.S., Bachelor of Science, Business Administration (Accounting and Finance), University of California, Berkeley, 1984
    • Beta Alpha Psi, National Accounting Honor Society


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