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Thank you for contacting JAMS.
Your inquiry is very important to us, and a JAMS associate will respond as soon as possible. We look forward to supporting your alternative dispute resolution needs.
General Biography
Practice Areas & Industries
Education Law
Employment Law
Family Law
Personal Injury
Honors, Memberships, and Professional Activities
Background and Education
Hon. Katherine R. Delgado (Ret.) joined JAMS in Denver after over 20 years of distinguished service in Colorado’s 17th Judicial District. She presided over hundreds of bench and jury trials in Adams and Broomfield counties, where she is known for her knowledge and application of the law, case management abilities and communication skills.
Judge Delgado is recognized for her innovative work in the field of family and juvenile law. She also served on Denver-area “problem-solving courts,” which make use of alternative dispute resolution methods to reduce substance abuse recidivism. Her communication, listening and motivational interviewing skills furthered drug abuse treatment goals for offenders and encouraged parties to resolve their disputes.
This same time and attention to parties and their concerns makes Judge Delgado an effective dispute resolution professional in private practice.
Areas of expertise
Judge Delgado has significant judicial or litigation experience in the following areas:
Disability Discrimination
Elder Law
Government/Public Agency
Hearing Officer, City of Thornton
Title IX Hearing Officer, University of Colorado
HOA/Owners Associations
Personal Injury
Product Liability
Real Estate/Title/Brokerage/Leasing
Honors, Memberships, and Professional Activities
Member, Colorado Supreme Court Standing Committee on Children and Families, 2003–2007
Member, Adams/Broomfield Bar Association
Member, National Council of Family and Juvenile Courts Judges (NCJFCJ)
Member, Courts Catalyzing Change Initiative, NCJFCJ and Casey Family Programs, 2008–2012
Dean, Colorado Juvenile Judges Institute, 2016–2021
Member, Board of Directors, A Precious Child, 2016–2023
Member, Board of Directors, CASA of Adams and Broomfield Counties, 2022–2023
Background and Education
District Court Judge, Colorado Judicial Branch, 17th Judicial District, 2002–2022
Presided over a juvenile docket, with previous rotations in civil, criminal and domestic relations
Presiding Judge, Adams County Indian Child Welfare Act Court
Lead Judge, Colorado Best Practice Juvenile Courts
Presiding Judge, Adams County Integrated Family Treatment Court
Lead Model Court Judge, National Council of Family and Juvenile Court Judges
Deputy and Chief Deputy District Attorney, Office of the District Attorney, 20th Judicial District (Boulder), 1989–2002
Prosecution of misdemeanor and felony sexual assault, child abuse and domestic violence cases
Supervision of deputy district attorneys and support staff
Led committee charged with drafting statutes relating to domestic violence and child abuse
Provided ongoing training on issues of domestic violence and sexual assault to all of Boulder County's law enforcement agencies and Colorado prosecutors
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