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Judge Helen L. Halpert (Ret.)
JAMS Neutral Inquiry
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General Biography
Practice Areas & Industries
American Indian Tribal Law
Business Commercial
Employment Law
Estate Probate Trusts
Family Law
Higher Education & Title IX
Personal Injury
Real Property
Honors, Memberships, and Professional Activities
Background and Education
Judge Helen L. Halpert (Ret.) joined JAMS in 2018 after nearly 30 years of distinguished service to the judiciary in King County, including 19 years on the King County (Washington) Superior Court. Judge Halpert’s prior experience includes serving as the Assistant Dean at the University of Washington School of Law and as a public defender, where she headed the appellate unit.
Judge Halpert has been described as indispensable when it comes to her service to the Seattle legal community. She has been recognized as Judge of the Year by both the King County Bar Association and the King County Chapter of Washington Women Lawyers. Judge Halpert serves as a member of the Washington Pattern Jury Instruction Committee and was appointed co-chair of that committee in 2012. She resigned as chair at the time she retired from the bench but still remains an active member.
She is known for her extraordinary kindness and ability to ensure that individuals feel understood when presenting their cases. She cuts through the nonsense and has a good sense of practicality. Judge Halpert brings intellectual rigor, integrity and compassion to each case and treats both sides with dignity and respect. Her dedication to settling cases, combined with her judicial wisdom and strategic planning, allows her to successfully bring parties to resolution.
ADR Experience and Qualifications
Served as a judge for almost 30 years, in all four divisions of the King County Superior Court and at both the court of limited jurisdiction and superior court levels
Conducted settlement conferences throughout her judicial career
Administrative office for the Courts and Settlement Judge Panel for Child Welfare Cases
Performed substantial committee work while a judge to coordinate effective responses to emerging issues in the legal community
Trained as Title IX external adjudicator for colleges in sexual assault and harassment cases
Representative Matters
Business Commercial
Mediated to settlement real estate sales agreement case
Arbitrated matter involving purchase of a used car
Settled at mediation dispute over payments under a Software Licensing Agreement
Four week-bench trial involving corporate fraud and breach of fiduciary duty; entered verdict awarding several million dollars
Expeditors International of Washington v. Expeditors of Japan, 139 Wn. App 1070 (2007) (unpublished); described by Court of Appeals as addressing a complex corporate transaction
Part of a triparte arbitration panel involving attorney malpractice allegations, where the underlying issue was an intellectual property dispute.
Employment Law
Mediated employment cases involving disability, gender discrimination, failure to accommodate religious practices, retaliation, bonus pay and wrongful termination
Hirata v. Evergreen State Limited Partnership No. 5, 124 Wn. App 632 (2004); sex discrimination and harassment; one of first cases addressing “offset” payments for federal income tax consequences of award, pursuant to Blaney v. International Association of Machinists
Bally v. Ocean Transportation Services, 136 Wn. App 1052 (2007) (unpublished); complicated wage and hour issues
Estate Probate Trusts
Arbitration regarding dispute between co-trustees of trust
Settled dispute involving termination of guardianship
Family Law
Arbitrated and mediated cases involving parenting, financial issues, relocation, domestic violence allegations, disability, family-owned business
Arbitrated issue regarding parenting coordinator and has established substantial expertise regarding use of parenting coordinators
Arbitrated case involving valuation of a start-up
Arbitrated several case involving private school education
In re Marriage of Bernard, 165 Wn. 2d 895 (2007); enforceability of prenuptial agreement
In re Marriage of Gunn-Bohm v. Bohm, 158 Wn. App 1026 (2010) (unpublished); unusually complex pension valuation issues
In re Marriage of Vandal (unpublished, 199 Wn. App 1034 (2017)) (unpublished); complex characterization issue of small, personal services corporation
Substantial experience with domestic violence issues; has tried many cases in the civil and criminal arenas
Both a contributor to and the primary substantive editor of the first three editions of the Domestic Violence Manual for Judges
Handled contested adoptions, both at trial and as a settlement conference judge
Ledcor Industries v. Mutual of Enumclaw, 150 Wn. App 1(2009); insurance coverage issues
Mutual of Enuclaw v. Archer, 122 wn. App 1073 (unpublished, 2004)
Post-Confirmation Committee of In re Pierce County Housing Authority v. Pierce County, 188 Wn. App 1039 (unpublished, 2015)
Personal Injury Torts
Handled summary judgments for Asbestos litigation
Auto torts, including bicycle accidents
Various issues under the Jones Act
Served as chair Current chair of Washington Pattern Jury Instruction Chapters on Damages and Owners and Occupiers of Land
Public Interest
Jane and John Does and Seattle Pacific University v. King County, 192 Wn. App 10 (2015); public disclosure case regarding access to video of the Seattle Pacific shooting
Branson v. Port of Seattle, 152 Wn. 2d 862 (2004); authority of Port of Seattle to impose a gross receipt tax on car rental companies
In re Ballot Title Appeal of City of Seattle Initiatives 107-110, 183 Wn. App 379 (2014)
Litigated case addressing disparate impact outside the context of Title VII and Title IX, challenging the legislative amendments switching the “per se” standard for driving while intoxicated from blood to breath
Real Estate and Landlord Tenant
Landowner liability (trial and summary judgments of a number of cases and as former chair and current member of WPI Subcommittee authoring instructions in this area)
A variety of adverse possession and boundary dispute issues, including Shaw v. Merritt, 124 Wn. App 1040 (unpublished, 2004); summary judgment whether easement by necessity, implication or public use had been established
Housing discrimination; whether the inclusion of holders of Section 8 housing vouchers as members of a protected class by the Seattle Municipal code exceeded police powers under WA Const. Article I, Section 11
Honors, Memberships, and Professional Activities
Member of the Board of Directors of Family Law CASA, 2018-2023
Panel Member, Criminal Justice Training Commission, Decertification Hearings (2023)
Member of the Quality Assurance Board for Hobson Place, Downtown Emergency Service Center (2021-present)
Jurist in Residence-Dependency and Termination-for Administrative Office of the Courts (judicial training position) (2021-present)
Member King County Chapter of Washington Women Lawyers—member Judicial Evaluation Committee
Member AFCC (Association of Family and Conciliation Courts)
Memberships and Professional Activities
Washington State Bar Association (active)
California State Bar Association (inactive)
Family Law CASA-Board of Directors
Washington Pattern Jury Instruction Committee, 1996–present
Co-Chair, 2013-2018
Legislative Sentencing Reform Task Force, 2014
Becca Task Force, 2010–present
Co-Chair, 2016
Judicial Advisory Committee, Center for Children and Youth Justice, 2010–present
New Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act Training, Washington State Bar Association, October 2023
Selected Awards
Judge of the Year, King County Bar Association, 2001
Judge of the Year, Washington Women Lawyers, King County Chapter, 2001
Judge of the Year, Washington Women Lawyers, King County Chapter, 2018
Selected Publications
Editor and Author, Domestic Violence Manual for Judges, AOC, 1997, 2001, 2006
"Prenuptial Agreements in Washington: a Primer," Bar Bulletin, King County Bar Association, August 2021
"Committed Intimate Relationships: They're Not Just for Family Law Practitioners Anymore," Bar Bulletin, King County Bar Association, November 2019
King County Court Subcommittee Memberships
National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, 2015–2018
Superior Court Judges Association Family and Juvenile Law Committee, 2011–2018
Superior Court Judges Association Criminal Law and Rules Committee, 2001–2004 and 2013–2014
Background and Education
Judge, King County Superior Court, 1999–2018
Assistant Presiding Judge, 2008–2010
Chief Criminal Judge, 2007
Chief Judge Juvenile Court, 2012–2013
Lead Dependency Judge, 2015–2018
Judge, Seattle Municipal Court, 1989–1999
Presiding Judge, 1997–1999
Attorney, The Defender Association, 1985–1989
Assistant Dean, University of Washington School of Law, 1980–1985
Judicial Clerk, Washington Court of Appeals, Division II, 1977–1980
J.D., University of California Davis School of Law, 1977
A.B., Occidental College, 1974
Counsel Comments
“I just wanted to say a sincere thank you for your hard work yesterday. This was not an easy case to settle for a number of reasons… I hope to work with you again on future cases.”
-Seattle Family Law Attorney
"Thank you for your guidance, expertise, and measured approach in helping these parties reach an agreement. I so appreciated that you circled back at the end of the day, past our session time, and free of charge, to facilitate additional negotiations and ensure that final documents were signed."
-Attorney at Seattle Firm
"Negotiations yesterday didn't feel like haggling but more like problem-solving. I appreciated your style."
-Attorney at Seattle Firm
"Thank you so much for your skills and kindness in bringing us to settlement. You stayed and stayed and stayed to reach final, signed agreements. It is a relief to everyone and a chance for the parties to move forward and heal."
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Counsel Comments
-Seattle Family Law Attorney
-Attorney at Seattle Firm
-Attorney at Seattle Firm
-Seattle Family Law Attorney