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General Biography
Practice Areas & Industries
Antitrust & Competition
Business Commercial
Class Action & Mass Tort
Environmental Law
Federal Law
Franchise Distribution Law
Health Care
Intellectual Property
Life Sciences
Personal Injury
Professional Liability
Honors, Memberships, and Professional Activities
Background and Education
Former U.S. District Court Chief Judge James Holderman joined JAMS in June 2015 after serving for 30 years on the federal bench in Chicago. During his judicial career, Judge Holderman resolved more than 10,000 cases in all areas of federal jurisdiction. After joining JAMS, he quickly became a highly sought-after mediator among lawyers across the country. Plaintiffs' counsel, defense counsel, and in-house counsel who have mediated with him have repeatedly sought to retain him again.
Before joining the judiciary in 1985, Judge Holderman was a successful trial and appellate lawyer specializing in federal litigation as a partner with a predecessor to the law firm now known as Dentons, and served as an assistant U.S. attorney where he received multiple awards for distinguished service.
Judge Holderman is widely respected for his work ethic, his legal knowledge, his wealth of experience, especially in intellectual property, class action, and complex cases, and the practical way he approaches resolving disputes in the best interests of all concerned.
Representative Matters
Antitrust & Competition
Presided over and resolved multiple actions, including class actions alleging price fixing in wholesale sulfuric acid market; settled after pretrial rulings were affirmed on appeal (MDL 1536)
Issued numerous rulings regarding application of arbitration provisions in several contractual contexts, along with post-arbitration confirmations under federal law
Presided over fatal airplane crash cases, including litigation involving issues of liability resulting from negligence by ground personnel and air traffic controllers
Presided over and resolved several Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation actions with the FDIC as receiver dealing with allegedly fraudulent transfers, including large bank creditors with alleged security interests
Presided over and resolved several large bank post-judgment collection actions against off-shore and foreign banking entities; settled typically after pretrial rulings
Business Disputes
Public and privately-owned businesses, including companies’ management control disputes: one recent case involving family-owned oil and gas companies; mediated settlement was reached following close of discovery
Licensor of online training modules demonstrating the operation of software sued its licensee for violations of Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, as well as state law; settled after pretrial rulings
Presided over and resolved numerous commercial cases brought by product sellers for collection of payments under the U.C.C. and state law; cases typically settled after pretrial discovery and rulings
Class Action & Mass Tort
Multi-district consolidated class actions alleging advertising misrepresentations and fraud; settled following discovery phase (MDL 2103)
Multi-district consolidated class actions against major financial company for alleged violations of Telephone Consumer Protection Act; multi-million dollar class-wide settlement reached during discovery phase (MDL 2416), multi-million dollar attorneys’ fee awards also
Class action against internet research company that induced consumers to install software to obtain computer usage information that was then sold in alleged violation of federal law
Environmental Law
Judge Holderman has experience with a number of environmental areas. Among the more than 10,000 cases he resolved during his 30 years on the federal bench were environmental cases involving ground, water, air and sound pollution, as well as environmental regulatory issues.
Sample cases that received media attention are:
Kerr-McGee v. City of West Chicago, 90CV1319, 732 F.Supp. 922 (N.D. IL. 1990)(involving ground and water contamination)
City of Bensenville v. Chicago, 97CV3262(involving sound pollution around O’Hare Airport).
Health Care
Presided over and resolved several cases involving rights and obligations for health care benefits, as well as allowances, under the Family Medical Leave Act and insurance provisions
Presided over and resolved several factually separate but similar circumstances involving disability, health care, and property damage coverage under applicable insurance policies, federal law, and the state law of various states
Decedent’s estate’s and heir’s lawsuit against employer for life insurance offered under ERISA where employee signed declaration waiving coverage; settled after trial evidence presented but before bench trial determination
Insurer alleged competing insurer and underwriters accessed confidential information without authorization under Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, as well as state law; case settled after pretrial rulings
Intellectual Property
Patent litigation involving numerous cases filed nationwide by patent holder and major wireless equipment manufacturers; settled after Judge Holderman determined the RAND royalty for the standard essential patents at issue (MDL 2303), one of the first judges in the country to address the issue
Patent infringement litigation involving competing foreign and domestic manufacturers in the fiber optics industry, each of which owned and asserted multiple patents creating several cases; settled after two separate jury trials on separate patents, after several summary judgment rulings and after multiple appeals, which were affirmed or dismissed
Patent litigation involving a major athletic wear company and patent inventorship issues; settled after pretrial rulings and before trial
Trademark/copyright infringement brought by Chicago Cubs against owners of rooftop establishments surrounding Wrigley Field; settled before trial after pretrial rulings
Trademark and trade dress infringement: several cases, including an action by multi-million dollar candy manufacturer against a competing company; settled after injunction, trial, and appeal
Trademark litigation involving computer generated printing fonts against foreign manufacturer and its American distributor; settled after injunction ruling
Trademark litigation between competitors in folding-chair market as to the issues of infringement, registration, and functionality; settled after hearing and trial
Copyright action alleging infringement by major music star and group; settled pretrial
Trade Secret Litigation: Presided over, settled, and tried many trade secret cases involving allegations of former employees’ misappropriation of trade secrets and breach of fiduciary duty
Labor Disputes
Resolved several cases arising from reduction in force issues under the federal law
Resolved several cases involving unionization and election of leadership in alleged violation of federal law
Resolved numerous cases involving alleged employment discrimination and retaliation in alleged violation of federal law
Patent licensing litigation alleging breach of agreement, implied licensing rights, scope of agreement, and obligations at issue by patent holder, estate, and heirs of well-known deceased inventor/patent holder
Patent licensing dispute arising from scope and application of license terms related to merger and acquisition by major electronics equipment manufacturer with licensee; settled after pretrial ruling on summary judgment
Personal Injury/Wrongful Death
Presided over numerous cases where commercial distributors of televised events sued business establishments for unauthorized interception of communications; settled typically after pretrial rulings
Presided over numerous cases where copyright owners of videos and movies sued for the alleged peer-to-peer file-sharing protocols and reproduction; cases typically settled after pretrial discovery provided
United States actions for seizure and condemnation of imported prescription drugs resulting from labelling under federal law
Plaintiff contracted toxic epidermal necrolysis, a severe form of Stevens-Johnson syndrome, after she ingested pharmaceutical; case settled after jury determination
Products Liability/Mass Torts
Nationwide, multi-district class actions filed throughout the country involving allegations of mass tort and products liability; settled during discovery phase (MDL 1946)
Professional Liability
Determined patent counsel’s opinion letters written while counsel was in undisclosed conflict of interest position due to law firm merger not admissible at trial
Determined patent counsel’s opinion letters written while counsel was in undisclosed conflict of interest position due to law firm merger not admissible at trial
Honors, Memberships, and Professional Activities
Completed Virtual ADR training conducted by the JAMS Institute, the training arm of JAMS.
Recipient of Mark T. Banner Award, ABA Intellectual Property Section, 2012
Recipient of Legal Rebel Award for Innovative Service to Justice, 2009
Honorary Co-Chair, Litigation Section, ABA Annual Meeting, 2015
Chair of Litigation Section’s Trial Practice Committee, 2012-2014
Chair of the Commission on the American Jury Project, 2010-2012
Chicago Bar Association
Recipient of Distinguished Service Award, 2013
Recipient of Justice John Paul Stevens Award, 2012
Nominating Committee, 2012-2013
Board of Managers, 2009-2011
Chicago Inn of Court
Recipient of Joel M. Flaum Award, 2006
Founding Member, 1988
Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago
Recipient of Outstanding Service Award, 2013
Diversity Scholarship Foundation
Recipient of Advocate for Diversity Award, 2013
Federal Bar Association
Honorary Co-Chair of National Annual Meeting, 2011
Chicago Chapter Board of Directors, 2000-2004
Illinois State Bar Association and Foundation
Member, 2017 Class of Laureates of the ISBA Academy of Illinois Lawyers
Recipient of Outstanding Leadership Award, 2009
Recipient of Stalwart Fellow Recognition, 1998
Council Member, Federal Civil Practice Section, 2005-2015
Intellectual Property Law Association of Chicago
Recipient of Advancing the Profession Award, 2013
Recipient of Honorary Membership, 2008
Intellectual Property Owners Education Foundation
Recipient of Distinguished Intellectual Property Professional of the Year Award, 2012
Lawyers Lend-A-Hand Foundation
Recipient of Distinguished Service Award, 2013
Richard Linn Inn of Court
Recipient of Linn Alliance Leadership Award, 2015
President, 2011-2012
Founding Member, 2007
Phi Alpha Delta International Chicago Alumni Chapter
Recipient of Honorary Life Membership, 2015
Recipient of Outstanding Jurist Award, 2007
Women’s Bar Association of Illinois
Recipient of Mary Heftel Hooten Award, 2008
Honors and Appointments from Academic Institutions
University of Illinois College of Law
James C. Wood Distinguished Lecturer in Intellectual Property, 2007-2015
Recipient of Distinguished Law Alumni Loyalty Award, 2014
Recipient Outstanding Alumni Award, 1986
Adjunct Professor, “Advanced Trial Advocacy: Intellectual Property,” 1993-2015
President, Board of Visitors, 1993-1994
University of Chicago Law School
Keynote Speaker to Incoming Law Students, 2015
Adjunct Professor, Major Civil Litigation Course, 1983-2000
Northern Illinois University College of Law
Recipient of Public Service Award, 2014
Board of Advisors, 2013-2015
The John Marshall Law School
Recipient of Adjunct Faculty of the Year Teaching Award, 2015
Adjunct Professor, Intellectual Property Trial Advocacy, 1986-2015
Adjunct Professor, China Summer Program and Comparative Intellectual Property Mock Trial Demonstrations at SIPO, Beijing, China, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014
Honored Lecturer on American Law in Taiwan by Supreme Court of Taiwan, 2011
CLE Programs Presented, Publications
Panelist, Keys to an Effective Federal Civil Practice, Chicago Bar Association, May 2019
Keynote Speaker, Ten Concepts to Consider when Choosing Litigation v. Mediation to Resolve IP Disputes, American Intellectual Property Law Association, US Global IP Educational Forum, Chicago (July 13, 2017)
Judge Holderman made over 80 CLE presentations and authored several published articles on various legal topics over the past five years
Judge, United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, 1985-2015 (Chief Judge, 2006-2013)
Partner, Sonnenschein, Carlin, Nath & Rosenthal (n/k/a Dentons), specialized as Trial and Appellate Counsel in Federal Court Litigation, 1979-1985
Assistant U.S. Attorney, Chief, Public Corruption Section; Deputy Chief Special Prosecutions Unit, 1972-1978
Law Clerk, Hon. Edward J. McManus, Chief Judge of the Northern District of Iowa, 1971-1972
J.D., University of Illinois, College of Law, 1971 (Managing Editor of Law Review)
B.S., Agriculture Science, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, 1968
Member of Illinois, U.S. District Court, U.S. Tax Court, Fifth Circuit and Seventh Circuit Bars
Counsel Comments
"You are a very talented mediator who has a unique and special gift of resolving disputes. You not only resolve legal cases---you bring peace, calm, and serenity back into people’s lives."
“I wanted to write privately to convey just how much my colleague and I appreciate you and your hard work. Thank you for sticking with us and thank you for your creativity. My colleague was (again) effusive in is praise for you and your approach. He is very thankful for your efforts. I feel the same way. I appreciate you. Contrary to some, I normally am a fairly open book during mediations (for better or for worse). But, your approach and the trust you cultivated, made me more comfortable being open with you. I think that is the sign of an exceptional mediator. And, I speak for both of us, when I say that we enjoyed not only meeting you as a mediator but getting to know you a bit as a person. From the way you approach your work, to the way you value your family, I have to say that I really admire you. I hope our paths cross again professionally (I certainly will try to make that happen).”
“I wanted to thank you for the excellent job you did to bring the parties together and draw the case to a conclusion. Your suggestions and mediation skills were excellent in getting the parties in a position to settle the case, for which I thank you. I am also particularly grateful that you took the time to assist us in your busy schedule. It was wonderful to work with you as consummate professional mediation.”
“Judge Holderman, thank you for your hard work today. I remain impressed and in awe of your level of preparedness and energy. My client was comfortable with the process and felt respected. She also gained valuable feedback about her claims. I am hopeful we will be able to resolve this claim and look forward to working with you again on the other claims.”
“Judge- Just wanted send a quick note to thank you for putting in all that time yesterday. Truly extraordinary efforts on your part.”
"Judge Holderman has left an indelible impact on the Northern District of Illinois. He was a great innovator, leader and trial judge who was widely respected… [He] enhanced the relationship between the bench and bar in our district, nationally, and internationally." - Chief Judge Rubén Castillo, USDC NDIL, April 2015
“Thank you so much for your help and time yesterday. It was an honor to work with you. I learned so much in our time with you. Not only do you have tremendous experience and insight, but you are so great at communicating those things. Our client was blown away by you, and he felt respected. I know this combination helped him tremendously as he approached settlement.”
“Many thanks, Judge. It has been a pleasure working with you and I do not think we would have gotten to this place without your help."
“Yesterday was more than a little bit of a surprise, since I thought the odds were low that we would achieve a resolution. While I have had the opportunity to work with a number of good mediators over the years, it is still rare to find a mediator who was effective and who added as much value as you. For that, we are very grateful.”
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Counsel Comments
- Chief Judge Rubén Castillo, USDC NDIL, April 2015
“Thank you so much for your help and time yesterday. It was an honor to work with you. I learned so much in our time with you. Not only do you have tremendous experience and insight, but you are so great at communicating those things. Our client was blown away by you, and he felt respected. I know this combination helped him tremendously as he approached settlement.”
“Many thanks, Judge. It has been a pleasure working with you and I do not think we would have gotten to this place without your help."
“Yesterday was more than a little bit of a surprise, since I thought the odds were low that we would achieve a resolution. While I have had the opportunity to work with a number of good mediators over the years, it is still rare to find a mediator who was effective and who added as much value as you. For that, we are very grateful.”