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General Biography
Practice Areas & Industries
Business Commercial
Employment Law
Health Care
Intellectual Property
International & Cross Border
Life Sciences
Professional Liability
Honors, Memberships, and Professional Activities
Background and Education
Michael A. Jacobs joins JAMS after establishing a reputation at the international law firm of Morrison Foerster as one the country’s leading trial attorneys for complex technology and life sciences litigation. Mr. Jacobs tried numerous high-profile cases to juries, judges and arbitrators, and co-founded and led his firm’s intellectual property litigation group. He has been recognized by Chambers USA as a Band 1 (California) and Band 2 (US) intellectual property trial attorney, and he won the California Lawyer of the Year (CLAY) award three times for his work in trailblazing cases. One client describes him as “a terrific strategist with a very strong understanding of commercial trends.” Another commented that he is “extremely smart and strategic. He works well with and doesn’t alienate opposing counsel. He manages cases very cost effectively. He gets great results.”
In his trial practice, Mr. Jacobs also gained substantial experience in alternative dispute resolution, both as an advocate and a neutral. Early in his career, he led a team in the arbitration of a complex cross-border operating system software dispute, a matter in which conventional arbitration hearings, med-arb, baseball arbitration and post-negotiation negotiation tools were employed. Later, he represented claimants and respondents in arbitrations and mediations of numerous high-profile life sciences and technology matters, appearing before AAA, ICDR, JAMS and ICC panels and neutrals. He served as a sole arbitrator or panel chair in a dozen arbitrations involving attorney-client or attorney-attorney fee disputes, and he evaluated and mediated another dozen IP and technology disputes. His practice often involved non-U.S. parties and the application of foreign law.
All matters below were handled by Mr. Jacobs as an advocate except as indicated otherwise.
Representative Matters
Business Commercial
Special master in California state court investor dispute.
Mediator for contractual dispute over currency applicable to price of Canadian wine imports
Mediator for dispute involving auctioneer seeking multimillion-dollar payment from winning bidder on porcelain jar
Mediator for dispute arising out of termination of aviation scheduling software strategic alliance agreement
Mediator for case involving collection of default judgment against bar owner for showing boxing match without license
AAA arbitration of medical device distribution agreement
AAA arbitration of shareholder dilution claim
Dispute over nonpayment of independent contractor compensation
Claim of co-founder of startup company to share of stock based on idea contribution
Right of publicity dispute over collectible stamps
Trespass to chattels claims over scraping of domain names
AAA arbitration of claims relating to exclusivity clause in biotechnology agreement
Employment Law
Arbitrator in dispute regarding alleged wrongful termination of LLC member
Wrongful hiring of scientific advisor for biotechnology company
Wrongful termination of CEO of non-profit service organization
Dispute involving non-payment of fees owed to former employees and contractors
Claims of employee raiding involving an HR software company
Dispute involving former employees of software company over duties owed to company prior to and after departure
Claims against former employees of self-driving car company over alleged trade secret misappropriation
Claims against former employee of medical device company over mishandling of internal information
Alleged harassment by former employee through mass emailing.
Health Care
Advised clients regarding medical billing company, including disputes regarding fair and reasonable reimbursements to providers
Claims involving large health care system over prenatal testing protocols
Claims involving large health care system relating to vaccination schedules
Intellectual Property
Widely publicized copyright and patent dispute involving the Java programming platform
Trade secret and patent dispute involving self-driving automobile technology
Design patent, utility patent and trade dress dispute between world’s leading smartphone manufacturers
Ownership and “slander of title” dispute over copyrights to Unix software and alleged infringement by Linux operating system
License agreement dispute involving PC BIOS software
Patent infringement dispute between stock exchanges regarding electronic stock trading
Copyright and related claims involving artificial intelligence LLMs
Patent infringement lawsuit involving mobile phone location sharing and tracking
Patent infringement dispute over rights to high-end barcode scanners
Patent case related to firewall technology
Mediator for trademark dispute involving wearable fitness products
Patent dispute over online fantasy football game
Patent dispute over portable keyboard design
Copyright and state law tort case over rights to open-source web server software
Copyright dispute over application of first-sale doctrine to packaged software
Copyright dispute over application of public performance right to hotel in-room video systems
Mediator for patent case involving laser light sources
Mediator for patent case involving MOSFET design
Copyright dispute regarding reversionary rights between famous musician and record label
Patent dispute over refrigerator filter designs
Copyright and trade secret dispute over aftermarket brake part designs
Design patent dispute over camera designs
Mediator for wedding dress supplier’s copyright dispute against internet service provider
Mediator for photographer’s copyright claim against InfoWars publisher
Mediator for employment dispute over covenant not to compete
Mediator for copyright dispute over motivational video programs
Mediator for copyright dispute over photograph of Stanford/UC Berkeley football game’s “The Play”
Copyright dispute over after-school math worksheets
Trademark dispute over financial services logos
Patent dispute over artificial Christmas trees
Patent dispute over bingo markers
International & Cross Border
ICC arbitration of dispute involving copyrights in Linux software
ICDR arbitration and U.S. court litigation of rights to antibody-drug conjugate technology
Litigation in German courts over viral effect of open-source software licenses
Global litigation over design patent, trade dress and utility patents in smartphones
ICDR arbitration of royalties under human serum albumin co-development agreement
ICDR arbitration of contractual dispute involving macular degeneration diagnostic devices
LCIA dispute over patent directed to tumor necrosis factor alpha
U.S. court, ICDR and SCC arbitration of human resources software license dispute
ICDR arbitration of license dispute involving treatment of Japanese consumption tax
ICDR arbitration of copyright dispute relating to operating system software
U.S. court litigation over copyright reversionary right to music for English musician
U.S. court litigation over breach of warranty claims under UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
Life Sciences
Mediator for reverse payment pharmaceutical antitrust case
Mediator for life sciences misappropriation case
Breach of contract dispute involving a university inter-institutional agreement and valuation of patent for kidney drug
Antibody-drug conjugate contractual ownership arbitration and patent infringement action
Patent infringement suits regarding high-frequency spinal cord stimulation medical device
Patent infringement claim involving antibody-drug conjugate cancer treatment
Patent infringement case and state law tort claims regarding induced pluripotent stem cell products
Patent infringement dispute over HCV protease invention
Trade secret and breach of contract claims relating to central nervous stem cells
Trade secret and breach of contract claims over immune-neurology technology
Patent dispute over prenatal testing protocol
Patent dispute over vaccine administration schedule
Professional Liability
Mediator for multi-patent dispute involving semiconductor technology
Arbitrator for attorney-attorney dispute between fired and newly retained personal injury attorneys handling auto accident claim
Arbitrator for attorney-client dispute over whether interest was properly chargeable on overdue amounts
Arbitrator for attorney-client dispute over abandoned personal injury case
Arbitrator for attorney-client dispute over representation in landlord-tenant case
Arbitrator for attorney-client dispute over handling of trade dress claim
Arbitrator for attorney-client dispute over patent prosecution strategy for mattress design
Arbitrator for attorney-client dispute over domestic partnership dissolution and attorney disqualification
Expert witness in malpractice case over patent license agreement
Expert witness in malpractice case of default judgment in patent case
Honors, Memberships, and Professional Activities
Member, American Bar Association 1984–2024
Member, California Lawyers Association, 1984–2024
Member, Bar Association of San Francisco, 1984–2024
Member, American Business Trial Lawyers Association, 1990–2000
Selected Awards and Honors
John Minor Wisdom Public Service and Professionalism Award Recipient, American Bar Association, 2024
IP: Patent Litigation, Band 1; Nationwide, Band 2; Chambers USA; 2021–2023
California Lawyer of the Year, California Lawyer, 2003, 2012, 2014
Law Dragon Hall of Fame, 2023
Legal 500 U.S., 2022, 2023
Leader Lawyer, Patent Litigation
Recommended, Trade Secrets, 2010–2024
Hall of Fame, Patent Litigation, 2023
Leading Attorney for Intellectual Property, Chambers Global, 2021
Ranked among the world’s leading patent professionals, IAM Patent 1000, 2021–2023
Best Lawyers, 2006–2024
Litigation: Intellectual Property
Litigation: Patent
Patent Star, LMG Life Sciences, 2020, 2022
Benchmark Litigation 2022–2024
National Practice Area Star
California Litigation Star
Local Litigation Star
Managing Intellectual Property’s World IP Survey, 2018–2021
Copyright, Patent and Trademark Star
San Francisco Lawyer of the Year, Intellectual Property, Best Lawyers, 2018
Selected Speaking Engagements
Recurring Speaker, Trial by Jury, Practising Law Institute, 2011–2023
Recurring Faculty Member, Annual FJC-BCLT IP Education Program for Federal Judges, 2008–2019
“Inter Partes Review Strategy and Trends in the Life Sciences Industry: Implications for Patent Prosecutors and Litigators,” Morrison & Foerster Seminar/Webinar, 2015
“How to Protect Your Intellectual Property in an Era of Cyber Attacks,” Israel IP Seminar, 2015
“Important Developing Copyright Issues for Software and the Internet: Oracle v. Google and Beyond,” USC Gould School of Law 2015 Intellectual Property Institute, 2015
USPTO Design Day, 2014
Selected Publications
“Obama Puts Stamp on Patent Litigation with Northern District of California Appointees,” The Recorder, Feb. 21, 2017
“Breaking Down Four Big Changes In Patent Litigation,” New York Law Journal, April 4, 2016
“In Practice: The Injunctive Relief Pendulum,” The Recorder, Oct. 3, 2013
Background and Education
Associate and Partner, Morrison Foerster LLP, 1984–2024
J.D., Yale Law School, 1983
Senior Editor, Yale Law Journal
Foreign Service Office, U.S. Department of State, 1977–1981
B.A., With Honors, Stanford University, 1977
Phi Beta Kappa
Counsel Comments
“[T]hanks for helping us resolve that difficult case."
- Texas Trial Lawyer
“Thanks, Michael. We really appreciate your help. You were great.”
- NY Litigator
“Yes, let me second that praise.”
- NY Litigator
Home Office
San Francisco, California
Two Embarcadero Center, Suite 1500, San Francisco, CA 94111
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Counsel Comments
- NY Litigator
- NY Litigator