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Hon. Gary Nadler (Ret.)
JAMS Neutral Inquiry
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General Biography
Practice Areas & Industries
Administrative Law
Business Commercial
Construction Defect
Cybersecurity & Privacy
Employment Law
Estate Probate Trusts
Personal Injury
Real Property
Honors, Memberships, and Professional Activities
Background and Education
Judge Nadler has developed a reputation for settling challenging legal disputes throughout his career as both a judge and mediator. As a judge for 20 years on the Sonoma County Superior Court, Judge Nadler focused on resolving complex civil matters and case management prior to trial. As a neutral, he is known for his clear and focused understanding of the factual and legal issues and understanding the personal dynamics of the parties.
While on the bench, Judge Nadler was elected presiding judge by his judicial colleagues for two terms. He was appointed to consecutive terms to the Judicial Council of California by the chief justice of the Supreme Court of California. He was appointed as a pro tem justice to the First District Court of Appeal in 2022. As a judge and neutral, he resolved highly emotional and complex cases, and was recognized by the Court of Appeals as a “most experienced” jurist in McClain v. Kissler 39 Cal.App.5th 399 (2021).
Prior to appointment to the bench, Judge Nadler was an AV-rated attorney. His law practice included antitrust, personal injury, complex business litigation, construction defect litigation and employment matters.
Representative Matters
Administrative Law
Presided over a developer’s challenge as to whether a project qualified as a “public work” within the meaning of California’s Prevailing Wage Law
Presided over petition for writ of mandate challenging county agricultural commissioner’s issuance of erosion-control permit for a vineyard under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Presided over numerous matters involving writs of mandate, including CEQA challenges involving the development of wineries
Business Commercial
Presided over a fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, breach of implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing and breach of contract case involving a proposed $30 million resort project
Presided over partnership disputes involving directors and partners concerning allegedly improper transactions
Presided over matters involving breach of contract, partnership disputes, consumer protection and loans
Presided over insurance and case management issues arising from construction/design multi-home development projects
Mediated construction disputes between owner and subcontractor involving construction of residential real estate
Cybersecurity & Privacy
Presided over an action involving data disclosure and privacy claims arising in a commercial context
Employment Law
Presided over sexual harassment, discrimination (gender, age and race) and wrongful termination cases
Determined numerous wage and hour class action motions for approval of settlements
Presided over cases for wage and hour, meal break and Labor Code violations
Presided over matters involving wrongful termination, discrimination in the workplace, sexual harassment and hostile work environment
Presided over matters involving disability, failure to accommodate and age discrimination
Estate Probate Trusts
Mediated actions brought by beneficiaries of a trust involving elder abuse, damages and restitution of trust property
Mediated actions by family members alleging undue influence by deceased’s relative
Appointed as discovery referee for estate litigation
Personal Injury
Tort claims adjudicator in clergy sexual abuse actions and university mass tort settlements
Mediated claims for premises liability, including slip-and-fall property hazards
Settled, presided over and tried hundreds of cases arising from auto, pedestrian, bike and motorcycle accidents involving significant injuries
Real Property
Mediated an action for nuisance and injunctive relief involving adjoining property owners
Presided over eminent domain claims relating to “big box” construction impacted by a state project to expand a freeway
Mediated land use issues involving a winery and adjoining land owners
Presided over a prescriptive easement claim involving adjoining properties
Presided over and mediated multiple claims between neighbors involving easements, parking, landscaping, encroachments, views, privacy, noise and harassment
Presided over HOA issues involving short-term rentals
Presided over matters involving commercial lease disputes, residential lease disputes and landlord-tenant disputes involving habitability
Honors, Memberships, and Professional Activities
Member, Judicial Council of California (Appointed by the chief justice of the Supreme Court of California), 2014–2019
Resolution of the California Assembly (Recognizing outstanding service to the people of the County of Sonoma), 2011
Certificate of Recognition, California State Legislature, 2009
Resolution of the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors (Recognizing judicial service to the County of Sonoma), 2014
Teaching Experience
Faculty, B.E. Witkin Judicial College of California, 2004–2019
Civil Discovery, 2004–2019
Experts, 2009–2013
Civil Settlements, 2014–2015
Adjunct Professor, University of San Francisco School of Law, 1996–2010, 2014–2015
Discovery Practice, 1996–2010
Advanced Civil Litigation Practice, 2014–2015
Applied Evidence, 2014–2015
Continuing Judicial Studies Program; Civil Discovery, Attorneys’ Fees and Sanctions, Evidence in Civil and Criminal Cases, Evidence and Motions, Civil Law and Motion, 2006–2008
Continuing Judicial Studies Program, Civil Law Overview for Experienced Judges, 2008
Continuing Education of the Bar, “Action Guide: Compelling Discovery,” Fall 1986.
Continuing Education of the Bar, “Action Guide: Compelling Discovery Under the 1986 Civil Discovery Act,” Spring 1988.
Continuing Education of the Bar, “California Civil Discovery Practice” (4th Ed. 2006), Chapter Consultant: Taking and Defending Depositions, Interrogatories, Demands for Inspection.
Co-Author, “Introduction to Civil Discovery,” San Francisco Daily Journal, 2016
The Bar Journal, Sonoma County Bar Association, “Musings from the Bench: Responding to Discovery: Gamesmanship, Working It Out, and Sanctions,” Vol. 38, Issue 1, Summer 2014.
Representative Speaking Engagements
Sonoma County Bar Association, “Who Gets Mom’s Watch? Suggestions for a Successful Trust/Estate Mediation,” 2023.
Sonoma County Bar Association, “Evidence in Law and Motion Proceedings,” 2022.
Sonoma County Bar Association, “Civil Discovery,” 2021.
Sonoma County Bar Association, “Trials and Settlement Conferences Over Zoom,” 2020.
Sonoma County Bar Association, “Civil Trial Workshop” (Closing Arguments), 2019
Sonoma County Bar Association, “Judicial Independence,” 2019.
Sonoma County Bar Association, “Civil Best Practices,” 2016.
Sonoma County Bar Association, “Request for Admissions,” 2016.
Sonoma County Bar Association, “Getting It Admitted Into Evidence,” 2015.
Sonoma County Bar Association, “Tips From the Judges,” 2012.
Faculty, Judges Institute, “Civil Law and Motion Practice: Recent Developments” and “Collaborative Courts Roundtable,” 2012
Faculty, Civil Law Institute, “Civil Case Management and Trials” and “Discovery Update,” 2011.
National Business Institute (Walnut Creek and Sacramento), “What Civil Court Judges Want You to Know,” 2011
Background and Education
Arbitration Mediation Center, 2022–2023
First District Court of Appeal, Division 4 (pro tem), 2022
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