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Joe Tirado

Joe Tirado

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Background and Education

Joe Tirado an English lawyer based in London, England and also working out of JAMS New York and Miami resolution centers. 

Joe has over 30 years of dispute resolution experience. He has handled hundreds of cases across a broad range of industry sectors as counsel, arbitrator, adjudicator, expert determiner, mediator and conciliator in over 65 jurisdictions worldwide.

Joe is recognized as a ranked individual for international arbitration and ADR in leading legal directories. Most recently Joe has been acknowledged in The Legal500 UK Hall of Fame which highlights the top arbitration practitioners who have received constant praise from their clients for continued excellence and who are at the pinnacle of the profession.

Joe is a solicitor-advocate with full rights of audience before all civil courts in England & Wales, a CEDR accredited commercial and Investor-State mediator, a Civil Mediation Council Fellow, an former ICSID conciliator appointed by the President of the World Bank Group (2018-2024) and panel member of a number of leading invitation-only arbitration and mediation panels, including the European Union and the United Nations.

He has represented sovereign governments, multi-national corporations and high net worth individuals in often high value cases in a number of sectors and industries including banking and finance; commodities; construction and engineering; energy (oil & gas, renewable and power generation); food and beverage; information and communication technology (ICT); mining; petrochemical; pharmaceutical; professional services; sport; transport (automobile, aviation and shipping) and travel.

Joe has also conducted and advised on over 100 international commercial and investment arbitration under all the major international arbitration rules before the leading international arbitration institutions as well as “pure” ad hoc and UNCITRAL arbitration. He has been appointed arbitrator in over 40 international commercial and investment arbitrations, including serving 12 times as Sole Arbitrator, 2 times as Emergency Arbitrator and 11 times as Presiding Arbitrator. 

Joe has also conducted and advised on over 50 mediations and other alternative dispute resolution processes, including 3 expert determinations, acting as standing Expert on electoral voting services for London Mayoral Elections 2008 and a rare ICSID conciliation in which Joe acted as the Presiding Commissioner. He was also appointed Expert consultant by the World Bank to advise a Latin American state on ADR reform.

Joe has written extensively and presents regularly on international arbitration and ADR at major international conferences, symposia and seminars and prominent universities around the world. He is Contributing Editor of “Global Legal Insights to International Arbitration”, Global Legal Group, which is now in its 10th edition covering 67 jurisdictions.

Joe has been actively involved in arbitral and mediation institutions and prestigious international arbitration and ADR associations and committees. He is a past Co-Chair of the IBA Mediation Committee.

Joe is a native English speaker, fluent in Spanish with a good working knowledge of French and a basic understanding of Portuguese.

Experience as an Arbitrator:

43 in total: 1x ICSID (Presiding Arbitrator) *; 1 x PCA (Co-arbitrator); 2x CEDR (Sole Arbitrator/Adjudicator); 1x DIAC (Sole Arbitrator); 1x DIA (Co-Arbitrator); 1x ICC (Sole Arbitrator); 1x ICC (Emergency Arbitrator); 1x ICC (Sole Arbitrator); 6x ICC (Co-Arbitrator); 4x JAMS (Sole Arbitrator); 1x JAMS (Co-Arbitrator); 3x LCIA (Sole Arbitrator); 9x LCIA (Presiding Arbitrator); 4x LCIA (Co-Arbitrator); 1x LCIA-MIAC (Presiding Arbitrator); 1x LCIA-MIAC (Co-Arbitrator); 1 x SCC Emergency Arbitrator*; 1x SCC (Co-Arbitrator)*; 1x TIAC (Co-Arbitrator); 1x VIAC (Co-Arbitrator); 1x UNCITRAL (Co-Arbitrator); 1 x Ad hoc (Sole Arbitrator). Also presiding arbitrator-judge in numerous commercial and investment arbitration moot competitions*

*Investment treaty

Ad hoc
1 1

  • JAMS: Sole-Arbitrator: New York seated share purchase dispute between European and North American parties, subject to Delaware law.
  • JAMS: Sole-Arbitrator: Agency and Software Development Services agreements dispute between European and North American parties, subject to the laws of the Russian Federation.
  • JAMS: Sole Arbitrator: Chicago seated master supply agreement dispute concerning the manufacture of portable power stations between Asian and North American parties, subject to Illinois law.
  • JAMS: Sole Arbitrator: Dubai seated construction dispute in the Middle East between Middle Eastern and North American parties, subject to Kuwaiti law.
  • JAMS: Co-Arbitrator: Sale and Purchase Agreement dispute relating to the sale of 500 metric tons of copper cathode sheets. Seated in Singapore, subject to Singaporean law
  • Ad Hoc: Sole Arbitrator: Seoul seated employment dispute arbitration between a senior executive and a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies
  • UNCITRAL: Co-Arbitrator: Scotland seated arbitration concerning alleged misrepresentation and breach of warranty under an oil services sale and purchase agreement, subject to Scottish law. Claim in excess of US$50 million.
  • DIAC: Sole Arbitrator: Dubai seated fuel transportation dispute in Central Asia.
  • *Ad Hoc: Sole Arbitrator: Seoul seated employment dispute arbitration between a senior executive and  a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies.
  • Ad hoc: Co-Arbitrator: Scotland seated UNCITRAL arbitration concerning alleged misrepresentation and breach of warranty under an oil services sale and purchase agreement, subject to Scottish law. Claim in excess of US$50 million.
  • CEDR: Mediator/Sole Arbitrator: Dispute between UK and North American parties regarding unpaid fees for services rendered in connection with the development of video games.
  • CEDR: Adjudicator: Dispute between Latin American parties relating the application of industry standards in the sugar industry.
  • DIA: Co-Arbitrator: Copenhagen seated share purchase dispute between European parties subject to Danish law.
  • DIAC: Sole Arbitrator: Dubai seated fuel transportation dispute in Central Asia, subject to UAE law.
  • *ICSID Case No. ARB/22/26, Presiding Arbitrator: Yoram Moussaieff v. Republic of Panama: US$150 million dispute concerning the construction, installation, operation and maintenance of three hydro-electric power stations.
  • ICC: Emergency Arbitrator: Share Purchase Agreement dispute in excess of US$500 million concerning the acquisition of oil field interests in Africa. Subject to English law with the seat of the arbitration in London.
  • ICC: Sole Arbitrator: Distribution agreement arbitration in London subject to the laws of Florida between a Middle Eastern company and a U.S. corporation.
  • ICC: Co-Arbitrator: Doha seated arbitration between Middle-Eastern parties relating to a construction dispute in the Middle East, subject to Qatari law.
  • ICC: Co-Arbitrator: London seated arbitration between Caribbean, European and Asian parties relating to an investment agreement dispute, subject to English law.
  • ICC: Co-Arbitrator: London seated arbitration between Far Eastern and Middle Eastern parties relating to a share purchase dispute in connection with an oil company, subject to English law.
  • ICC: Co-Arbitrator: US$60 million arbitration seated in South America relating to the development of an iron and steel plant, subject to Bolivian law.
  • ICC: Co-Arbitrator: US$25 million dispute relating to the delivery of industrial installations in Eastern Europe.
  • ICC: Co-Arbitrator: US$15 million dispute relating to alleged breaches of a European cross-border electricity supply agreement. The dispute is subject to Belgian law and the seat of the arbitration is Lugano, Switzerland.
  • LCIA: Sole Arbitrator: Two arbitrations seated in London arising out of a restaurant franchise agreement and a lease for memorabilia in Spain, subject to English law.
  • LCIA: Sole Arbitrator: Heads of Terms dispute between African parties in relation to the acquisition of shares in an East African financial institution. The arbitration is seated in London and is subject to English law. There are also related parallel proceedings before the Kenyan and English courts.
  • *LCIA: Presiding Arbitrator: US$75.5 million dispute arises out of an airport Concession Agreement between Latin American parties and a State.
  • LCIA: Presiding Arbitrator: Four related arbitrations concerning a US$500 million loan dispute between European parties, subject to Ukrainian law.
  • LCIA: Presiding Arbitrator: US$10 million African oil concession dispute between North American and African parties.
  • LCIA: Presiding Arbitrator: US$10 million ship repair contract dispute between a European and Latin American parties. London seat, subject to Mexican law.
  • LCIA: Presiding Arbitrator: Dispute relating to a hotel management agreement in the Middle East.
  • LCIA: Co-Arbitrator: Three related arbitrations concerning the acquisition of shares in an Asian energy company, subject to English law.
  • LCIA: Presiding Arbitrator: US$50 million dispute arising out of a crude oil supply contract between European oil trader and Eastern European oil refining company.
  • LCIA-MIAC: Presiding Arbitrator: Share purchase agreement dispute between African parties (including 51 respondents) in relation to the acquisition of shares in an East African financial institution. The arbitration is seated in Mauritius and is subject to Kenyan law. There are also related parallel proceedings before the Kenyan and English courts. 
  • LCIA-MIAC: Co-Arbitrator: Mauritius seated US$115 million plus accrued interest dispute arising out of an English-law governed tripartite Power Purchase Agreement entered into between a Middle Eastern energy company and an African State-owned power company and an African public company.
  • *PCA: UNCITAL arbitration relating to claims arising out of the Government’s alleged expropriatory measures related to the claimants’ investments in the food sector
  • SCC/BIT: Emergency Arbitrator: Application in support of US$2.7 billion investor-state claim relating to the provision of financial services in Eastern Europe
  • SCC/ECT: Co-Arbitrator: Stockholm seated arbitration involving Eastern-European parties in the electricity sector.
  • TIAC: Co-Arbitrator: Tashkent seated arbitration between and Central and East Asia parties relating to the provision of industrial equipment subject to Uzbekistan law.
  • VIAC: Co-Arbitrator: Vienna seated arbitration between an Eastern European and European parties concerning construction equipment supply contract.
  • Arbitrator-Judge, FIAMC Final Round, Moscow, February 2021
  • Presiding Arbitrator-Judge, Finals of 3rd Regional Foreign Direct Investment Moot, Nairobi, September 2018
  • Presiding Arbitrator-Judge, Permanent Court of Arbitration Willem C Vis Pre-Moot, The Hague, March 2018
  • Arbitrator-Judge, 9th Global Finals Foreign Direct Investment Moot, Buenos Aires, November 2016
  • Judge of Finals of the National Law School of India ADR Tournament, Bangalore, April 2015
  • Arbitrator-Judge, 2nd South Asia FDI Moot, Delhi, August 2014
  • Arbitrator-Judge, 7th National Law School of India International Arbitration Moot, Bangalore, April 2014
  • Presiding Arbitrator-Judge, Graf & Pitokowitz Willem C Vis Pre-Moot, Vienna, April 2014
  • Presiding Arbitrator-Judge, ICC Willem C Vis Pre-Moot, Paris, March 2013
  • Presiding Arbitrator-Judge, 15th Willem C Vis Moot, Vienna, March 2008

Representative Matters As Counsel

  • Treaty arbitration
    • ICSID/EFTA: Acting for a number of financial institutions in a potential multi-billion euros claim related to the collapse of the Icelandic banking system.
    • ICSID/ECT: Advising a foreign investor in relation to an ECT claim in the region of US$250 million against a European sovereign nation. The claim arises from a number of legislative changes passed by the sovereign nation in respect of its incentive regime for the production of solar photovoltaic energy.
    • ICSID/ICC/BIT: Acting for an international mining company in relation to potential contractual and bilateral investment treaty claims worth approximately US$500 million, regarding alleged breaches of project documentation and expropriation of the mining company’s investments in Asia.
    • ICSID/BIT:  Multi-million dollar dispute concerning a port concession in Central America
    • SCC/ECT: Representing a sovereign state in a multi-billion dollar Energy Charter Treaty claim in relation to the alleged expropriation of hydrocarbon assets.
  • Commercial institutional arbitration
    • AAA/UNCITRAL: Canning license arbitration under the auspices of the AAA in London subject to New York law between an international beverage and food conglomerate and a Middle Eastern canner.
    • Ad hoc/DIAC: Representing European construction company in large construction dispute with state entity in the Middle East relating to a 500 MW combined cycle power plant.
    • HKIAC: Representing European party in a distribution agreement dispute with a North American party in relation to automotive products in the Far East.
    • ICC: Acting for the European subsidiary of an Asian producer of solar panels in a US$16 million PV module manufacture and supply contract dispute with a European party
    • ICC: Acting for European oil company in licensing agreements dispute in Central Europe
    • ICC: Acting for European manufacturer of plastic products in supply dispute with a European purchaser.
    • ICC: Acting for major European construction company in a construction dispute in the Middle East.
    • ICC: Acting for leading European engineering company in an EPC contractual dispute in the Middle East.
    • ICC: Multi-million dollar dispute concerning a port concession in Central America.
    • ICC: US$2 billion power station construction arbitration in South America.
    • ICC: Acting in London seated potential arbitration in a dispute between a European supplier and a Far East Asian party arising out of a US$220 million agreement for the supply of multi-crystalline silicon wafers for the manufacture of photovoltaic cells in solar panels.
    • ICC/Mediation: Acting for an Asian supplier of wind turbines in a US$33 million London seated arbitration against a European contractor in relation to the supply of equipment.
    • ICC/High Court: Acting in London seated arbitration and related High Court proceedings in a dispute between a European supplier and an Asian party arising out of a US$500 million agreement for the supply of multi-crystalline silicon wafers for the manufacture of photovoltaic cells in solar panels.
    • ICC: Representing a Middle Eastern JV industrial gas supplier in a US$16 million arbitration and related High Court proceedings against a Middle Eastern iron and steel company for the non-payment of sums due under a gas supply agreement.
    • ICC: Acting for a Nigerian-based company in a London seated arbitration against European entities in a dispute concerning the construction and operation of an integrated furniture manufacturing plant in West Africa.
    • LCIA: Representing a European company in relation to the auction sale of a substantial property.
    • LCIA: Representing major European energy utility company in a gas repricing dispute.
    • LCIA: Representing a European hotel chain in relation to a hotel management agreement dispute in the Middle East.
    • LCIA: Representing East-European oligarch in the settlement of LCIA award in excess of US$ 25 million in relation to a share acquisition dispute.
    • LCIA: Acting for an Asian travel company in relation to various potential London seated arbitrations in multi-million dollar claims arising out of a distributor agreement for a computer reservation system.
    • LCIA: Representing a Liechtenstein company in relation to two arbitrations in London concerning a multi-million dollar dispute arising under a shareholders' agreement in respect of aviation and property assets located in Eastern Europe.
    • LCIA: Representing a European engineering company specializing in turnkey projects for installing and implementing solar power plants and wind farms in a London seated arbitration against an Asian counter-party in a US$20 million silicon long-term supply agreement dispute.
    • LCIA: African drilling rig contract arbitration in London between a leading South African oil company and an Australian contractor.
    • LCIA/High Court: Acting for a wealthy Eastern European oligarch in an arbitration and 22 related arbitrations and High Court action in connection with a joint venture to run a multibillion dollar mining consortium with production assets in Central Europe.
    • LCIA: Acting for a leading Asian travel conglomerate in relation to a London seated arbitration in a claim worth in excess of US$30 million arising out of a distributor agreement for a computer reservation system.
    • LMAA/High Court: Representing an Asian party in relation to contempt of court proceedings in connection with various LMAA arbitrations.
    • LSA: Acting for North African commodity traders in a London Sugar Association arbitration in respect of a trade default arising under a contract for the sale of 10,500mts of sugar.
    • SCC/UNCITRAL: Gold mining joint venture arbitration in Stockholm under the auspices of the SCC between an Australian mining company and a Georgian mining company.
  • Commercial ad hoc arbitration
    • UNCITRAL: Acting for a US company in respect of a US$20 million dispute against a UK energy company in relation to a service agreement for the provision of seismic data acquisition services in North Africa.
    • UNCITRAL: Indemnity claim arbitration in London between a U.S. multinational and an Asian oil company regarding a complex claim for the recovery of customs duties and fines in relation to the acquisition of a jack-up drilling rig in India.
    • UNCITRAL: Production sharing contract arbitration in London subject to American Indian Tribal Law between an Indian oil and gas company and a state agency.
    • UNCITRAL: Co-acting for North American car distributor in a US$100 million distribution agreement dispute with Asian manufacturer of motor vehicles.
    • UNCITRAL/LCIA: Representing a European wine producer in an agency dispute with a European agent.
    • Ad hoc: Construction arbitration in London between an Indian independent power producer and a Japanese contractor regarding a 330-megawatt combined cycle power station in India.
    • Ad hoc/Mediation: International tax dispute arbitration and mediation in London between a Panamanian company and an English company regarding the acquisition of a European subsidiary company.
    • Ad hoc/Mediation: French land contamination insurance arbitration and mediation in London involving a Holland-based holding company insured and an English insurer.
    • Ad hoc: Complex construction arbitration in London between a large international power company and an English contractor.
    • Ad hoc: Large and complex construction arbitration in Santiago, Chile, subject to Chilean law between a multinational engineering company and Chilean state-owned construction company.
    • Ad hoc: Engineering arbitration in London between an Italian electrical contractor and an English electrical company relating to the fitting out of a cruise liner.
    • Ad hoc: Maritime arbitration in London between an English oil services company and Russian owners of a rig vessel located in South America.
    • Ad hoc: Arbitration in London concerning a contract dispute between a Bermudan company and a Liberian company regarding the purchase of a jack-up rig in Central America.
    • Ad hoc: Acting for a Spanish technology company in a London seated ad hoc arbitration relating to a license to distribute technology products in Spain.
    • Ad hoc: Acting for a PRC corporation in relation to a London seat ad hoc arbitration in respect of a US$3 million claim under an iron-ore supply contract against a Hong Kong corporation.

Experience as a Mediator and Conciliator:

45 in total : 1x ICSID, 27x CEDR, 6x ICC*, 3x JAMS, 1x LawWorks, 2x LCAM, 5x ADR Group and Ad hoc (Counsel) - (3* x Investor-State parties). Also mediator-judge in numerous mock commercial and investor-state mediations.
Over 90% settlement rate as mediator of known outcomes.

*Investor-State dispute

Representative Mediation Matters:

Banking and Finance

  • Mediator: Contentious family loan dispute amounting to approximately US$75,000. Settled in one day.
  • Co-mediator: Dispute concerning charges in excess of US$1 million for the supply of water pursuant to a financial model and the proposed revisions to the financial model. Settled.
  • Co-mediator: Complicated breach of confidence dispute between credit reference agencies and a not-for-profit membership association regarding on-going co-operation. Settled.

 Commercial Contracts- Sale of Goods & Sevices

  • Mediator: Contractual dispute between North American and Middle Eastern parties regarding a contract for the fitting out of a hospital.
  • Mediator: Contractual dispute regarding the purchase of a show horse.
  • Mediator: Contractual dispute relating to the provision and invoicing of dry-cleaning services.
  • Mediator: Dispute relating to the provision of industrial cleaning services. Settled.
  • Mediator: Contractual dispute between a purchaser and supplier regarding an US$750,000 order of castors and wheels for use on hospital trolleys and carts. Settled.
  • Mediator: Landlord and tenant dispute in relation to a substantial residential property with development potential in excess of US$10 million. Settled.
  • Mediator: Court annexed dispute between US, Latin American and European parties relating to the supply of gym equipment.
  • Mediator: Central London County Court mediation scheme – multi-track catering partnership dispute
  • Co-mediator: Court annexed family dispute between former co-habitees concerning the division of shared property. Settled.
  • Counsel: International tax dispute arbitration and mediation in London between a Panamanian company and an English company regarding the acquisition of a European subsidiary company. Settled.
  • Counsel: Representing a European port operator in port concession dispute in Guatemala in a rare ICSID conciliation case.


  • Mediator: Dispute between UK and Middle-Eastern entities relating to the supply of steel.
  • Mediator: Dispute regarding the provision of water services.
  • Counsel: South American merchandise safe custody contract dispute in London between a US based lender and European inventory services company. 

Construction and Engineering

  • Mediator: US$15 million dispute between a Central Asian and European parties regarding the planning, designing, constructing and marketing a copper powder project in Central Asia.
  • Mediator: Dispute between a local government transport body and a utility company regarding the damage caused to a sewer during tunnel construction of a light rail/tram system. Settled.
  • Mediator: Dispute between a contractor and employer regarding the partial completion of engineering services in relation to the design and construction of a unique high-quality residential dwelling. Settled.
  • Mediator: Claim for unpaid invoices relating to disputed construction works. Settled.

Energy & Natural Resources: Mining, Oil & Gas, Power, Renewables

  • Presiding Conciliator: Barrick (Niugini) Limited v. The Independent State of Papua New Guinea (ICSID Case No. CONC/20/1), a mining concession dispute in Papua New Guinea.
  • Mediator: US$10 million dispute relating to the sale of goods and unpaid invoices in the oil exploration sector in Central Asia.
  • Mediator: US$27 million dispute between Latin American parties relating to the construction of a ethanol plant in South America. Partly conducted in Spanish. Settled.
  • Mediator: JV dispute concerning the provision of equipment and services in relation to the revamping and expansion of an electro-chlorination system in the Middle East. Settled.
  • Mediator: Dispute between European parties regarding the sale of up to 50 wind turbines. Settled
  • Counsel: Supply agreement dispute between an Asian supplier of wind turbines in a US$35 million London seated ICC arbitration against a European contractor.
  • Counsel: Representing European construction company in large construction dispute with state entity in the Middle East relating to a 500 MW combined cycle ower plant.

Franchise, Licensing & Distribution

  • Mediator: Dispute between European parties concerning the alleged breach of a distribution agreement relating to the supply of lighting products in Europe. Arbitration in London for the contractual claims. Parallel proceedings commenced in local European court alleging collusion in the breach of a former director’s restrictive covenants, including use of confidential information. Amount in dispute approximately US$5 million.
  • Mediator: Exclusive distribution agreement dispute relating to cosmetic products between European parties.
  • Counsel: Representing a major European pharmaceutical company in a contract dispute with a company regarding the termination of a long-term distribution agreement in the Middle East. Settled.

Information, Communication and Technology (ICT)

  • Mediator/Arbitrator: Dispute between UK and North American parties regarding unpaid fees for services rendered in connection with the development of video games.
  • Mediator:  MPLS wires-only network service contract dispute.
  • Mediator: Content Management System on Word Press ('CMS') contract dispute.
  • Mediator: Asset price dispute relating to the sale of a technology company. Approximately US$100,000 in dispute. Settled.
  • Mediator: Multi-party dispute in excess of US$250 million involving an African State party relating to the setting up of a national telecommunications operator.


  • Mediator: Indemnity claim for monies paid out to holidaymakers in respect of a mass claim for compensation following an alleged food poisoning incident at a hotel in Spain. Settled.
  • Counsel: French land contamination insurance arbitration and mediation in London involving a Holland-based holding company insured and an English insurer.

Partnership and Shareholders

  • Mediator: Shareholders’ dispute relating alleged abuse of director’s position and duties.

Professional Services

  • Co-mediator: Court annexed dispute concerning unpaid invoices for legal services rendered to a property company. Settled.
  • Co-mediator: Contractual dispute involving foreign parties regarding the provision of interior design services. Settled.
  • Counsel: Acting for large English national law firm in multi-million pound professional negligence involving complex issues of proprietary rights regarding goods located in Spain.

Transportation (Automobile, Aviation & Shipping)

  • Mediator: Contractual dispute in excess of US$7 million in relation to the provision of in-flight entertainment services for an Asian national airline carrier. Settled.
  • Mediator: The dispute arises out of a carriage contract for the trans-border transportation of goods which were stolen during transit.


  • Mediator: In excess of US$35 million multi-claimant (almost 500) and over 12,000 potential claimants test case mediation relating to a breach of contract/breach of trust matter concerning an international time share exchange scheme.


  • Co-organizer of the inaugural Consensual Dispute Resolution Competition (CDRC), IBA-VIAC, Vienna, July 2015
  • Judge-mediator, 3rd (2008), 8th (2013), 14th (2014), 19th (2024) and 20th (2025) ICC International Mediation Competition, Paris
  • *Judge, 2nd International Investor-State Mediation Competition (IIMC), Colombo

Honors, Memberships, and Professional Activities

Completed Virtual ADR training conducted by the JAMS Institute, the training arm of JAMS.

Honors & Awards

  • Legal500: UK Hall of Fame, 2022
  • M&A Today: Law Firm of the Year - Arbitration – England, 2016
  • Latinvex: Latin America’s Top 100 Lawyers, 2016
  • Corporate LiveWire: Excellence in Energy & Environmental Arbitration, 2015
  • ACG Global Awards 2015: International – Gamechanger of the Year (Arbitration and Mediation)
  • Corporate LiveWire: Lawyer Of The Year 2014: International Arbitration – UK
Memberships & Affiliations
  • Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM)
  • American Chamber of Commerce of Peru (AmCham Perú)
  • Arbitration and Mediation Court of the Caribbean (AMCC)
  • Asia International Arbitration Centre (AIAC)
  • Asian Pacific International Chamber (APIAC)
  • Astana International Financial Centre, International Arbitration Centre (IAC)
  • Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC)
  • Bolivia Centre for Energy Arbitration (CEAR)
  • British Virgin Islands International Arbitration Centre (BVI IAC)
  • Bucharest International Arbitration Centre (BIAC)
  • CAA International Arbitration Centre (CAAI)
  • European Commission Trade F Panel (EU)
  • Georgian International Arbitration Centre (GIAC)
  • Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC)
  • ICDR Energy Arbitrators’ List (ICDR)
  • International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce (ICAC)
  • International Islamic Mediation & Arbitration Centre
  • Istanbul International Arbitration Centre (ISTAC)
  • JAMS International (JAMS)
  • Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA)
  • Lima Chamber of Commerce Arbitration Centre (CCL)
  • London Chamber of Arbitration and Mediation (LCAM)
  • Office of the Ombudsman for United Nations Funds and Programmes, Global Arbitrator and Global Arbitration Counsel List (UN)
  • Oman Commercial Arbitration Centre (OCAC)
  • Perth Centre for Energy & Resources Arbitration (PCERA)
  • Shanghai International Arbitration Center
  • Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA)
  • Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC)
  • South China International Arbitration Center (SCIAHK)
  • Tehran Regional Arbitration Centre (TRAC)
  • Thailand Arbitration Centre (THAC)
  • Vienna International Arbitration Centre (VIAC)
  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  • Xian Arbitration Commission (XXAC)

Publications and Lectures

Joe writes extensively and presents regularly on international arbitration and ADR at major international conferences, symposia, and seminars and prominent universities around the world.

  • Books
    • Contributing Editor of "Global Legal Insights to International Arbitration", Global Legal Group
    • Co-author of Chapter on “Mediation in the Energy and Natural Resources Sector: The Latin-American Experience”, International Arbitration in Latin America Energy and Natural Resources Disputes, Wolters Kluwer, 2021
    • Co-author of Chapter on “Third Party Funding: Freeing claims and adding value, but without impairing confidence in the arbitral system”, Spain Arbitration Review, Special Edition 2020
    • Co-author of Chapter on "Codes of Conduct for Commercial and Investment Mediators: Striving for Consistency and a Common Global Approach", Mediation in International Commercial and Investment Disputes, Oxford University Press
    • Co-author of Chapter on "Time for a new NY Convention? Was Albert van den Berg Right?", 60 Years of the New York Convention: Key Issues and Future Challenges, Wolters Kluwer
    • Author of Chapter on "Cost and Funding of International Arbitration", 100 Years Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Liber Amicorum
    • Co-author of Chapter on "Factual Evidence", Arbitration in England, Kluwer Law International
    • Co-author of "Saudi Arabia Chapter," The International Comparative Legal Guide to: International Arbitration
    • Co-author of Chapter on "Building on Progress", IBA e-book: Promoting Further Mediation
    • Contributor to Resolving Corporate Governance Disputes, International Finance Corporation
    • Co-author of Chapter on "Opening Statements," IBA e-book: Mediation Techniques Author of Succeeding in ADR: The Importance of Buy-in and Mindset, Inside the Minds: ADR Client Strategies in the UK, Aspatore Books.
  • Recent Article
    • Editor in Chief and regular contributor to Garrigues monthly newsletter
    • Author on "Remote Hearings: A New Dawn or a Reawakening?", 29 November 2021
    • Author on "Third Party Funding" JAMS International ADR Solutions - Spanish Edition, April 2021
    • Author on "Third Party Funding: What you need to know", International, June 2020
    • Co-author of “The Prague Rules - A solution in search of a problem?" Revista Argentina de Arbitraje -  Número 5 - June 2020
    • Co-author of "Investor-State Mediation - New Tools for Policy Makers" Transnational Dispute Management, February 2020
  • Recent Speeches
    • Panelist on the “The Singapore Convention – Divided Opinions”, International Investor-State Mediation Competition (IIMC), The Moot Court Bench, Sri Lanka, January 2022
    • Panelist on “Mediation in Investor – State conflicts“, CEA 9th Business Mediation Café, December 2021
    • Panelist on “Investment Mediation and Arbitration—Combination or Separation?”, ICSID Webinar Series, October 2021
    • Panelist on “Hot Topics in Global Energy and Construction Projects”, JAMS, London, September 2021
    • Panelist on "Corporate counsel roundtable: Review of topical issues arising in the implementation of projects in the CIS region: ADR and beyond” and “Tribunal Secretaries”, Uzbek Arbitration Week, September 2021
    • Panelist on “A Cameo Gathering: Voices on the Singapore Convention Two Years On”, Joint JAMS –CEDR webinar, September 2021
    • Panelist on “In Conversation with TIAC Court Board Representatives”, TIAC45 Steering Committee webinar, July 2021
    • Moderator of the Europe panel at the XIV Dublin Forum on International Dispute Resolution webinar, June 2021
    • Speaker on “Can ADR be an efficient means to solve disputes with Sovereign States?”, Luxembourg Arbitration Day, June 2021
    • Speaker on “Awards”, WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Workshop webinar, June 2021
    • Arbitrator Judge, Finals Round, Russian Institute of Modern Arbitration V FIAMC Moscow Pre-Moot, online, February 2021
    • Panelist on “State’s Consent to Arbitrate: Defining Investor and its Nationality for the Purposes of Investment Treaty Arbitration, V Moscow FIAMC Conference, online, February 2021
    • Speaker on "Mediation in the UK", II Jornadas Europeas de Mediciación, Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Barcelona (ICAB) online, January 2021
    • Panelist on “Guidelines and Standards: A new age for international dispute resolution”, IBA Annual Conference, online, November 2020
    • Speaker on “Codes of Conduct for Commercial Mediators: Striving for Consistency and a Common Global Approach”, Oxford University Press webinar and book launch, online, November 2020
    • Panelist on “The UN Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation: pathway and obstacles to implementation”, International Academy of Mediators (“IAM”) and Hong Kong Mediation Council (“HKMC”) Mediation Symposium, online, October 2020
    • LCAM panelist on “Expedited Arbitration”, Sao Paolo Arbitration Week, online, October 2020
    • Speaker, Virtual Dublin International Dispute Resolution Forum, June 2020

Background and Education

  • Independent International Arbitrator, Mediator, Conciliator, Adjudicator & Expert Determiner and ADR Consultant, London, January 2025 to present
  • Partner and Former Co-Chair of International Arbitration and ADR (2016-2023), Garrigues UK LLP, London, April 2016-December 2024
  • Partner, Global Co-Chair of International Arbitration, Winston & Strawn LLP, London, October 2012-January 2016
  • Partner, Head and Co-Head of International Arbitration and ADR, Norton Rose LLP (now Norton Rose Fulbright LLP), London, April 2007-October 2012
  • Partner, Trial, Baker Botts LLP, London, January 2004-April 2007
    • Senior Associate, Trial, October 2000-December 2003
  • Associate, Commercial Litigation, Lovells (now Hogan Lovells LLP), London, January 1997-September 2000
  • Associate, Commercial Litigation, DLA (now DLA Piper LLP), Manchester, July 1994-December 1996
  • Trainee Solicitor, Boodle Hatfield, London, September 1992-June 1994
  • Manchester Metropolitan University, UK and Manchester Law Society, UK: Graduate Diploma in Commercial Litigation, 1996
  • College of Law, Chester, UK: Law Society Final Examinations, 1991
  • University of Birmingham, UK and University of Valencia, Spain: BA (Hons) with distinction in Hispanic Studies, 1984-1988


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