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Eric E. Van Loon
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Eric E. Van Loon Esq.

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Accounting Finance
American Indian Tribal Law
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Honors, Memberships, and Professional Activities
Background and Education

Eric E. Van Loon, Esq. brings years of experience to every resolution. A full-time dispute resolution professional since 1989, he has more than 20,000 hours of experience in 42 states and eight countries as a mediator, arbitrator, speaker, and trainer specializing in complex, multi-party, high-stakes disputes and is listed in "Best Lawyers in America" for Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Van Loon has mediated and arbitrated many high-profile matters including the largest electric rate increase in Ohio history, an athletic conference expulsion over bowl game participation, a 60,000-acre New York Indian land claim, a 28-municipality dispute with a New England power plant operator, and the dispute preventing Cleveland's Jacobs Field from being built. He also chaired the three-member U.S. Copyright Office panel, which arbitrated the first royalty rates for internet music streaming.

ADR Experience and Qualifications

  • Arbitration: Solo arbitrator in eight-figure multinational oil company contract dispute; international company termination of U.S. subsidiary CEO. Chaired NFL stadium construction claims panel, multi-hospital claims against major insurer. Panel member in energy company software system claim, joint venture synfuel tax credits allocation, eight-figure environmental cost remediation
  • Business Dissolution: Including an 18-company industrial group with high nine-figure annual sales and a bitter federal court action alleging RICO violations
  • Class Actions: Consumer protection, pharmaceutical, consent decree implementation, toxic tort
  • Commercial: Contract, fraud, reps/warranty, Lanham Act; multiple industries: accounting, energy, entertainment, financial, health, hotel, insurance, manufacturing, securities
  • Construction: Contractors, subcontractors, architects, engineers, insurance; malls, NFL stadium, highway, industrial plants, mixed-use development, residential
  • Employment: Executive/professional terminations (national and international), exit packages, proprietary data, non-competes, whistle-blowing, employee child abuse
  • Energy: Fuel supply agreements, contaminated property, construction, industry restructuring
  • Entertainment: Film copyright/distribution rights, television program production, Grammy-winner management dispute, music royalties, Hollywood Reporter “power mediator”
  • Environmental: State/federal Superfund sites, remediation cost allocation, water supply and residential contamination, RCRA enforcement, Brownfield development, oil refinery remediation
  • Franchise/Dealer/Manufacturer: Encroachment, termination, chargebacks; automotive, fast food, financial services, health care, hotel, multinational as well as U.S. 
  • Government: Local/state/federal, policy consensus, enforcement, rate-setting, deregulation, negotiated-rulemaking, regulatory entity in receivership, municipality regionalization 
  • Health Care: Hospital-vendor disputes, nursing service, medical devices, insurance processing
  • Insurance: Tort/property/professional coverage, applicability, multi-carriers, reinsurance; workers comp 
  • Intellectual Property: Trade secret: accounting/hospital software; Patent: medical device, consumer products; Trademark: professional athletes, dot-com companies; Copyright; Music Royalties
  • Professional Liability: Accounting financial misstatement, statute of limitations, conflict of interest, legal malpractice, securities dealer
  • Real Estate: Developer workout, commercial lease, land use, zoning, facility siting, regulation
  • Securities: Including broker-investor, investment warranties/representations, accountings
  • Sports: Cleveland Indians Jacobs Field, Conference USA bowl participation, Detroit Lions Ford Field, NCAA Indian logo/nickname enforcement,
  • Technology: Software, hardware, information, internet, medical, accounting, health care device, state-of-the-art weapons system
  • Tribal: Land claim, gaming proceeds and management, tribal governance, federal trust mismanagement
  • Available to resolve disputes remotely through a number of videoconferencing options

Representative Matters

  • Internet software system entrepreneur v. investor
  • $80 MM Superfund remediation allocation
  • Massachusetts electric industry restructuring
  • Multi-site health organization software system
  • State-of-the-art military weapons system contract
  • Prestigious television series v. featured personality
  • Post-acquisition reps and warranties/accountings
  • Thirty-party, 60-witness, 1000-exhibit arbitration
  • Six-billion-dollar Safe Drinking Water regulation
  • Developer-major tenant construction disputes
  • Consumer class action settlement/remedy
  • London Underwriter claims on a huge project

Honors, Memberships, and Professional Activities

Completed Virtual ADR training conducted by the JAMS Institute, the training arm of JAMS. 

  • Recognized internationally by Who's Who Legal: Mediation, 2018
  • Best Lawyers in America, 2014-2024
  • Distinguished Fellow, International Association of Mediators
  • Named "Entertainment Industry Power Mediator" by Hollywood Reporter Esquire
  • Elected Town Moderator, Concord, MA
  • Member: ABA Sections on Dispute Resolution, International Law; Association for Conflict Resolution; FDIC, USEPA Superfund Pilot Program, and Library of Congress Copyright Arbitration Royalty panels
  • Board Member: MA Bar Foundation, Schweitzer Fellowship, Jericho Road Project
  • Lecturer on ADR at national/international forums: ABA, American Corporate Counsel Association, CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution, International Bar Association, World Economic Forum Mid-East North African Qatar Summit, Nigerian International Insurance Summit keynote, and in Canada, Hong Kong, Japan; published in ABA Dispute Resolution magazine

Background and Education

  • Massachusetts Undersecretary, Economic Affairs; Assistant Secretary, Environmental Affairs
  • Seven-year federal litigation legal practice
  • J.D., cum laude, Harvard Law School, 1971
  • M.Sc., London School of Economics, 1968
  • A.B., Phi Beta Kappa, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1967


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